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Everything posted by Baselayers

  1. Everyone knows the peanut butter ones are the best Peanut butter is disgusting. Move along. You Idiot!
  2. Everyone knows the peanut butter ones are the best Peanut butter is disgusting. Move along. You Idiot!
  3. Lick my fanny old boy? And to note, none of them had sexual overtones. So, HA!
  4. I just noticed that 3 of most posts are the most liked on the whole site. Yes!
  5. Only solution, fight fire with fire. Blunt up
  6. So would i. No flights abroad for me, plus i could get around quicker than everyone else
  7. I feel sorry for him. Why do they make him say stupid shit. Just let him say what he wants within reason. Worked for rock and Austin lol
  8. Good lord! If the UK ever got that literally most people would die
  9. Reigns. They don't like him do they
  10. Baselayers


    There is only one
  11. Oh I quote failed. No I mean the football thing. They are all quite angry though!You're too injury prone. :-( X games today... Man it was there to be won. Whoops!
  12. Do your own shopping then you bunch of lazy shits.
  13. Oh I quote failed. No I mean the football thing. They are all quite angry though!
  14. So RV what if your lady asks to have the reverse 3 way with another chap? What is your response?
  15. Hey even i know the league table is a bad thing! Plus i could do a better job as manager!
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