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Everything posted by Baselayers

  1. Geeting my relax and internet based geekery on for a night. Hello forum friends!!!
  2. e.g. "Orgasms cheer you up". Ok i did not mean that but still, funny!
  3. Imparting knowledge to younger people then seeing them make the most of it. Teaching FTW!
  4. I have lost my favourite socks. This hurts me!
  5. Oh that explains several confusing things that happened recently :-D
  6. I'm back!! Did i miss anything good?!
  7. Never tried it, is it really that good? i Cannot see it myself!
  8. I am happy to bring the comedy lol
  9. Clearly yes, it's either one or thr other :-D
  10. I have an England shirt with 18 on the back...it says Hes.... something or other :-D
  11. Oh that makes perfect sense. The manfriend is a bit of a geek so yeah... i see now. Damn his online gaming to hell! Thanks!
  12. I got forced to watch Downfall (apparently geeks find it funny?) Turns out it was quite interesting!
  13. Today i discovered a new conditioner. My hair has never felt so fabulous. OH YEAH!!!
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