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Everything posted by Baselayers

  1. Wind. I hate it (the weather kind, not the human variety)
  2. I agree with the hobbies advice. Worst thing to do is go looking for another lady right now, have a break for a bit and get your mind right
  3. I demand tongue and nuthugging from you both!
  4. That was mental. TO THE FACE!!!!!! Also i heart Forrest and Rich ;-)
  5. 5 foot 3. Hurts less when falling :-)
  6. Is that because we didn't meet? And now you may have missed your chance forever? I did on the other hand stand and sit very close to Lombardo. I'm guessing it was Lombardo. He was a giant and seemed vaguely familiar and was around the airport after our flight landed and was with one male accomplice, possibly his friend.. I had to try to imagine what the person I saw would look like blurry and I'd say it was almost definitely him. We stood outside a bathroom/wudu together. Then waited for the airport shuffle together. Then got onto the same carriage together. And sat across from each other (together). No introductions were made and I refused all attempts at eye contact. Yes, not meeting you completely ruined the game. I was waiting with a bag of MnMs as well. That and the fact despite spending very little, I got very drunk and my leg really really hurts. Soooooo, nothing was thrown, no pictures were taken, and no love connection was made. WOW! I mean talk about your let downs. Aaaw no bromantic cuddling? :cry:
  7. I don't like american football and even i hate the cowboys!
  8. Yep, didnt end well. Also my face wrinkles look awful there. Bad times!!!!
  9. Its not bad for 45 minutes work :-) Also i agree, they failed!
  10. Nope just a comment! Although clearly i can see the advantage!
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