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Everything posted by MrWeedMcGrass

  1. Wow , this place is deader than a morgue.
  2. Better than being passed out on the floor with puke all around me with a killer combination of Jack daniels and some dank indica greens. My girlfriend will have a stroke when she'z here in half an hour.
  3. Nah , I generally prefer Whiskey but I like to take it 'easy' while doing the green and it doesn't get easier than Breezer. It has enough alcohol to potentiate the weed without **** up the experience plus it tastes like soda pop , great for the extreme levels of thirst after doing a bowl or two.
  4. Not that much to be honest , considering the timing of this thing. Relations are pretty much at base level now with little hopes of making any sort of headway on peace talks, especially after the acrimonious failure of the visit by Indian officials. I am kind of guessing te Govt. wants to help but the fear of public opinion turning against them for sending aid to basically an openly hostile country is not worth it in their eyes. Indians aren't exactly very relenting people when it comes to matters concerning Pakistan. I remember India sending lots of financial aid, manpower as well as food packets during and in the aftermath of the earthquake which happened a few years back and reading reports of Pakistani officials tearing off the 'Made in India' labels from the supplies , a very petty thing to do under the circumstances. I can see why they are reluctant this time around.
  5. Very sad to see the International community not being generous with aid to Pakistan at all. This is their worst disaster in over 40 years, people are dying of starvation and disease by the hundreds, yet 'allies' like China have only contributed paltry sums(China about 2 million). Haiti got much more media coverage thanks to the American media and aid was generously provided , yet the same generousity has not been forthcoming this time. India hasn't send any aid as well which is pretty petty in my opinion. India is special disaster management units having vast experience in dealing with natural disasters and I am sure they could have been very useful but not to be so.
  6. NO way I hate the bastards , hope he flops miserably for the words removed(nothing personal Mesut).
  7. Eddie Van Halen has fallen so far down. Tsk tsk. Nah , don't believe that's Eddie.
  8. Dirty player but can do a job though. He was boss for Schalke and Seville, massive flop at juve though. He hardly played , they had Sissoko who could do the same job more effectively. I remember how he riled up Kaka in the CL when he was with Schalke. Gave him and Kaka a torrid time at the Aufschalke . Gattuso finally met his match , Poulsen was not to be bullied. They hate him in Italy for reasons we are all aware of. Still, for a skint(for) club like Liverpool and a rigid tactical man like Hodgson , he can do a destructive job in midfield and can distribute decently. Dirty , dirty word removed though , but he is the kind of player that is hated by everyone but appreciated by the team.
  9. If Mark Hughes were to quit Fulham immediately to join Villa , he could never be trusted again.
  10. Manuel Pellegrini would be great , he has done good things with Villareal on a very limited budget. He plays nice , passing football and gives chances to the youngsters.
  11. Reminds me , the German Supercup starts in an hour . Bayern - Schalke.
  12. nope. i may have been joking, and confused you in your state of munchieness or something. :oops:
  13. I think i remember reading one of your posts where you said you were a lesbian :?
  14. Now I haven't had the fortune of meeting a lot of lesbians till now so I'll take your word for it. However , a little searching on Google reveals the role playing thing is pretty popular. In any case as CEB said , only pornvid lesbians are anything to look at. Real life lesbians :|
  15. It's the goddamn role playing thing , one of em is the 'pretend man' in the relationship , aptly known as 'Butch' and the other is the submissive woman. For **** sake , why not have a REAL man instead? The 'Butch' is generally fugly and masculine
  16. Well I find Novels/Novellas more difficult because everything from beginning to end has to make sense to the reader. I find doing dialogues and conversations difficult , i rather enjoy having bouts of descriptive word diarrhea :winkold: The plot as well, you can base a short story around a single incident or a small setting of three to four characters.It is much easier to end a short story compared to a novel where the ending has to be well paced and all lose threads need to be tied up at the end. I read a post somewhere where you mentioned something about a short story you had written a while ago. Do you have any of your stuff you can post here?
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