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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. His record isn't that bad. And all the teams he managed played good football.
  2. Fiscal ineptitude of the highest order. If true , then frankly, Lamberts head isn't the only one that should roll.
  3. It's really about redistribution of wealth. The share of the Nations wealth that the top 10% now have is heading towards the share they held in Victorian times. That is neither fair or sustainable. Tax amongst other things can help address this imbalance.
  4. So we can't attract a manager who took the Swansea job. Get real, we are Aston Villa, that still means something. It's not about our club status its about the money. In our entire lifetime. Tad over the top. In my lifetime I have seen us in the third division, second division, champions of England, champions of Europe, and inaugural members of the Premier league. A lifetime is a long time. A genuinely silly comment.Besides, compared to going down, Lamberts wages, or any managers wages, are peanuts.
  5. So we can't attract a manager who took the Swansea job. Get real, we are Aston Villa, that still means something.
  6. he worked in Premier League since 2009 And has never been near relegation, that's my point.
  7. Trouble is we've got a yank in charge who comes from a culture of grid iron in the States. There is no relegation there, no matter how shit you are. Only when the realization clicks in that relegation means mega financial losses will people from that background move. Hopefully, tonight is that moment.
  8. Flip the **** coin Tom. Or were doomed.
  9. Lamberts face says it all. He knows he'll get the sack eventually. Simply staying for the money now. Dead man walking, he's going through the motions. Somebody at VP needs to put him out of his, and our, misery.
  10. **** the cup. Lambert out must ring around the ground Sunday.
  11. Gabby simply has a dreadful first touch. Benteke should be playing.
  12. Not at the moment he's not. Yes he is. Do you think Gabby could score a goal like the one Benteke scored against the Mancs. Or for that matter , the one he smashed in against Blackpool.Form is temporary, class is permanent. I've seen nothing from Gabby that leads me to believe he will give any defence the problems that Benteke can. We simply don't have the luxury of a squad where we can leave out our most potent weapon.I don't want to see crosses coming in from Sinclair without the big man being on the end of them. Eventually the beast is going to start firing again. Hull on Tuesday would be a good time to start. He can't do that stuck on the bench. The united game was 2 months ago. Even the Blackpool game was a month ago. What if he doesn't start firing again against hull? And we're stuck with the current benteke for that game? Can we afford that in a game we need to win? Gabby has a habit of scoring crucial goals for us down the years. I'd be happy for him to be given that chance tomorrow. Benteke's form doesn't mean he can spend an hour on the bench and come straight back in. Fwiw I think Benteke will start tomorrow. But I'd rather see andi or gabby there for now. And when was Gabbys last goal. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Lets just hope whoever we pick, we get the right result.
  13. Not at the moment he's not. Yes he is. Do you think Gabby could score a goal like the one Benteke scored against the Mancs. Or for that matter , the one he smashed in against Blackpool.Form is temporary, class is permanent. I've seen nothing from Gabby that leads me to believe he will give any defence the problems that Benteke can. We simply don't have the luxury of a squad where we can leave out our most potent weapon.I don't want to see crosses coming in from Sinclair without the big man being on the end of them. Eventually the beast is going to start firing again. Hull on Tuesday would be a good time to start. He can't do that stuck on the bench.
  14. Benteke, poor or not , might score. Gabby wont. No brainer, you pick the better player. And that's Benteke.
  15. If only other players got the amount of time some are willing to give to Beneteke.. One thing I can never have a go a Wiemann for is his work rate. His technical skill and quality yes, but never his work rate. Benteke on the other hand? He's barely moved for the last 5/6 games. I hope it is a confidence thing, but he needs to do more for the team as it stands. If its work rate you want, then perhaps we should play a bricklayer up front. Some of the greatest players in history rarely looked interested until you were picking the ball out of the net. Can't knock Weiman for lack of effort, but after a promising start to his career, he does seem to have fallen short of the player we had hoped he would become. Neither player deserves to be pilloried yet. Gabby, on the other hand, has been crap for years.
  16. He's struggled for a few matches and the knockers are on his case. This guy is class, and will come good again. Even struggling for form he scores class goals such as the one against the Mancs. If Gabby is the alternative, then give me Benteke every time. Simply has to play against Hull.
  17. It really wont. They're toast. And well deserved too.
  18. With respect. That is a load of bull. I was there in 68, we didn't accept mediocrity then, and I wont now. It is possible to support the team but not those in charge. To say fans can change nothing, flies in the face of history. Fan unrest has frequently changed managers at clubs, including our own. The most recent being a certain Scotsman with Ginger hair. Who was our owner back then? You seem to be under the impression that the current one cares whether or not we are relegated. He really doesn't. He doesn't care at all about the club. It's fans. Whether they protest or not. Fine take action. Protest. Stop going to games. It won't change anything. The owner simply does not care. If you do it until the end of the season he won't care. He will not change. Simple as that. But it will change one thing. It will change the mood in the locker room and the morale of our players who are pretty shit as it is. It will only ensure us a relegation. Let us be clear. There is only one person who can change any of this. He's not a man who will listen to reason. Gives a damn about what the fan thinks. Gives a damn about staying in this league. Trying to reason with him, bargain, protest, set yourself on fire in front of the stadium, bomb the damn field, will all gain the exact same response from him. "meh" He simply does not care. Flies in the face of what Lerner said when he took over though. He said that he regarded himself only as a custodian of the club, and that if he felt that it was the right thing to do he would stand aside. Incidentally,some fans said the same thing back in 68 regarding the board. We ignored them then and protested anyway, it worked. Sitting on your backside doing nowt, changes nowt Lerner says he watches all the games by satellite, he will hear us. So altogether now
  19. With respect. That is a load of bull. I was there in 68, we didn't accept mediocrity then, and I wont now. It is possible to support the team but not those in charge. To say fans can change nothing, flies in the face of history. Fan unrest has frequently changed managers at clubs, including our own. The most recent being a certain Scotsman with Ginger hair.
  20. You do know last Sundays score. We can do a whole lot better than Lambert.
  21. You don't actually know what Mr Lerner is going to do next. None of us do. That's part of the problem.
  22. Tell me where in the tactical instructions Lambert told Sanchez to pass to the opposition as often as possible? Tell me who signed Sanchez in the first place.
  23. This team plays with fear. Its a managers job to make that fear go away. Lambert can't do it. Absolutely zero motivational skills.
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