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Everything posted by PaulMcGrath_5

  1. Honestly, he's really not very good. Ineffective in so many areas you'd want a CM to be proficient in. Someone posted his stats a while back and it said it all (can't be bothered to find them, sorry).
  2. Which family member of yours did they kill?
  3. In reference to the Stadium plans released this morning, no?
  4. Yeah, I've heard he's on £578,000.00 per week.
  5. It's not. £48k per week. £2.5mill per year.
  6. As long as it enables us to buy a shiny new CM, then that's fine with me.
  7. Adding validity to the link. Mentions that Aribo, Soucek and Romagnoli are not of interest too.
  8. Combination of Buendia and Coutinho for me. Seems he’s moved to play more of a CM role in recent months, an interesting one for sure.
  9. Couple of good videos on Otavio. Highlights and also a scouting report with comparisons to our current midfield.
  10. Hoping for a player who is good enough to replace them, in turn, improving McGinn and Ramsey due to added competition. Old cliche but competition for places is healthy.
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