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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. Lost count of the amount of our games I've watched this season and thought 'If only Buendia was playing'. We don't have another player like him. Yesterday, especially 1st half, he'd have picked that back line apart. Everything was totally static, nobody darting into space etc... He offers that and can then produce a pass out of nowhere. I can't wait to see him back. Hopefully he gets a good pre-season under his belt with no adverse reactions to the injury and you just know that he will give even more now, after missing this season.
  2. I really like Konsa but he was a shambles yesterday. That was League 2 defending we saw. The most unforgivable moment was the cross for the 3rd goal. He could and should have closed that cross down. He played almost with an air of arrogance which doesn't suit him at all. Hopefully much improved during the week.
  3. Like a few others, I think Carlos did alright yesterday. He made a couple of great tackles first half and then was getting shafted by Konsa all 2nd half. He was basically having to try and come out of his position to do something because Konsa was letting Reguilon do what he wants down the right side. It's easy to jump on players after that shit show 10mins we had but our back-line has been chopped and changed all season. There has hardly been a run of 5 games or more where it's been the same, settled 4.
  4. I think it's obvious he's still not 100% fit.
  5. Should have won that by 3 or 4-0. Instead, we totally switch off at 2-0 again. Not sure why we keep doing it but it needs to be sorted out.
  6. Worst he's played for years today, he's been terrible.
  7. Watching a different game then cos Reguilon has had the freedom of that side.
  8. Konsa has been horrific today, getting rinsed every time.
  9. We'd be better off just spending money like idiots, winning everything in sight, getting a top lawyer on board who can make sure the FFP charges are so complicated to prove that it'll take years - if at all - to prove. Surprised no club has gone down this route to be honest...
  10. Can't get my head around the fact we lost twice to these clowns. How they are 6th shows how poor a season a lot of clubs outside the top 5 are having.
  11. Never gonna happen, looking at their fixtures, they have at least 3 defeats in amongst them, probably 4. They have a crap GD as well.
  12. You do realise that players don't pick when they get injured or ill? Do you think Buendia or Mings thought 'I'll just do my ACL this weekend, that'll be fun'. As for Emi last night, it's clear you think he was 'pretending' to be ill. To even question him is crazy given the fact he's a winner and no way would he have not played unless there was a legitimate reason. I think you need to calm down a bit come a match day. For weeks now you've been on here, making daft statements about Emery, certain players etc... We have a squad that has been ravaged by injuries. The fact we sit 4th in the League with 7 games left and have a European Quarter Final on the horizon is a massive nod to how well the players and Emery have done this season. Along the way, we've had a few shit performances, a few players have lost form but if you can't look at the bigger picture and then sit there, as a genuine Villa fan and not be excited about the next 2 months, what could entail and also be proud of what we've already done this season, then I do feel sorry for you.
  13. Need to sort his work rate out, majority of that game he's just strolled through not doing much of anything. Luckily he's young and that can be coached into him. Still very raw and if JJ was fit, he'd not be getting the minutes he is.
  14. Fair play to Olsen, I don't think he put a foot wrong. 2 or 3 of them goals could've been avoided tonight. Poor decision making cost us. It is what it is, we've lost to a bunch of cheats in a soulless stadium, back to the real footy Saturday.
  15. After he spent the whole game trying to get our players booked, I hope it puts to bed anyone ever wanting him. Back at VP.
  16. I don't get why he took off Tim and put Chambers on. Honestly, I'm totally baffled.
  17. We need to be more clever, cos as soon as you go near the likes of Grealish and Foden, a stray breath floors them.
  18. Against Legia Though he did play a superb through ball tbf.
  19. If that happens, DM me your address and you can have a takeaway on me for the rest of the season.
  20. Me too, though I've just popped down Bargain Booze and seen if they'd swap my Malbec for a litre of Vodka.
  21. Should have played the Aussie 'keeper, Olsen is a disaster.
  22. F**k it, Duran hat-trick, 3-2 Villa. Now, where's that bottle of Malbec.
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