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Everything posted by VillaAndLoyal

  1. I've got to be honest with you, I stopped reading when I saw that. Had you have bothered to read the next 3 words of my post you'd perhaps have carried on, but don't let that stop you from rubbishing my post for a cheap laugh eh! Having watched that trollop in minus eight temperatures and then to find when I get home that our 'manager' has treated Aston Villa Football Club in such a way, I can confidently inform you I am not "laughing" at anything.
  2. I've got to be honest with you, I stopped reading when I saw that.
  3. clearly you can do short links, just badly (edit your post to find out why and never have this an excuse again)
  4. Is he? You could have fooled me! And 1,500 other Villa fans last night! How anyone can still back him after what he did to our club last night is COMPLETELY beyond me. His position is now untenable :nod:
  5. **** off to France. I'll pay for your Eurostar.
  6. A few comments from the redandwhitekop forum: "Great match, the Kop sounded spectacular..." Excuse me? :shock: "Villa, like West Ham two weeks ago, were absolute dogshit." Can't disagree with that. "I think houllier got caught up in the occasion." Even they see it. "Villa was the worst Villa I've seen for quite a while. Under O'neil they were a solid team, full of confidence and enthusiasm, very strong, fast and with a defence hard to open. Now, they're attrocious in every aspect of their game." 1 win in 10 would suggest that comment has some truth in it. "Sorry to the pro Houllier lads but my goodness thaat is what used to drive me crazy about him. The excuses he gave. 'Cant fault the players for effort' some of them were statuesque Then of course 'off side, rushing players back, we had our chances." Sound familiar? Get Houllier out NOW!
  7. Agreed. One Caveat: His comments reveal that his heart is not in Villa, but in Merseyside. I don't know if that will change over the course of this year but I suspect not. On that basis alone a replacement should be lined up to take over from next season. Is that before or after we've been relegated? Because after tonight it is clear not only has he lost the vast majority of the fans backing, but he has also lost the dressing room. Do you really want to give him the rest of the season? I don't.
  8. Anyone voting 'yes' clearly doesn't think much of Aston Villa Football Club and its fans being disrespected in such a disgraceful manner. Get him out NOW! :evil:
  9. seconded general the manager needs to go because of his comments tonight. its as simple as that. how can players go out and play for a guy who says that after a game? how can fans cheer for a manager who claps the opposition fans while ignoring his own? right up til those comments i was backing houllier, but now he needs to go. there's absolutely no coming back from that, he's lost the fans and that's the end of his time at villa, whether it happens soon or its a drawn out process, i think he's going to be made feel very unwelcome and thats a shame, but its his own doing Thirded. I hope the board takes heed of these comments because we are the lifeblood of the club. Many times our fans can rant for England about the result - rightly or wrongly - and on occasions things need to be taken with a pinch of salt. HOWEVER tonight is not about the performance, it's not even about our dire league position, it's about the COMPLETE lack of respect shown to every supporter of Aston Villa Football Club. The club that pays his wages. If he has a "special fondness" for the bin-dippers then keep that behind closed doors, a polite clap at the start of the game is fair enough. But to talk about them days before, to touch the 'This is Anfield' sign before the game, to clap the Liverpool fans but not the Villa fans after the game, and then to come out with some of the disgraceful comments post match is UNACCEPTABLE. I went tonight and our supporters were absolutely CLASS all game, I didn't hear the famous Kop once all night - and yet we get treated like that? I can cope with transitional periods, injury plagued seasons, bad fortune, and a certain degree of bad management - but DISRESPECT for our great club I cannot, and will not tollerate. I hope you have seen how angry Houllier's actions have made the Villa support tonight and I only hope you stick to your principle of having the interest of the Club at heart and get rid of this muppet with immediate effect. And capture the services of Martin Jol - something you should have done weeks ago.
  10. Phil Dowd is the ref??? :| :| :| I may as well stay at home then...
  11. Drat, I respect your opinion, but I do find it somewhat ironic that you critisise so-called 'right-wing led myth's' and then yourself finish by attacking (in a very sarcastic manner) two papers which traditionally sit on the 'right' side of the fence. By dismissing them so freely and jovially it could be argued you are merely displaying another 'left-wing led myth' that all these papers do is talk drivel. By all means state your opinion but by making such comments it does smack of hypocrisy somewhat. One fact you cannot deny is that British people were promised a referendum on the EU (by more than one Government) and this has never materialised. Thus meaning the country has never had any serious, in-depth debate on the subject. So whether you are pro-EU or anti-EU the Daily Express should at the very least be applauded for opening up a serious debate on the topic. That is, after all, what democrasy is all about. For that reason I feel you should be rather less sarcastic when referring to them - there are pro's and con's for each argument, including your own.
  12. Anyone know roughly how many we've got going? Usually I really look forward to away games but not so tonight.
  13. I'm not looking forward to going up tomorrow to be honest with you. I think this one has got defeat written all over it. It's a shame as well because with a couple of their key players out if we had a full team I'd be confident of a win. Unfortunately though, i just can't see it at all.
  14. Villa find themselves in 13th place in the Premiership. What do you think is a realistic target for Houllier in his first season. Realistic target should be 8th to 10th although the way things are going at the moment I will be glad to just stay up. How do you feel Gerard Houllier has settled and what do you hope from him as a manager It's too early to judge and he has had an unprescedented amount of injuries to deal with but I do have some concerns which I hope he adresses pretty quickly. Do you feel that Houllier can get the best out of Emile Heskey Well he has to be injury-free firstly. Early signs suggested, yes. After Citeh came in and took two of your better young players what do you think needs doing to replace them. Is youth development an option or is the only way the transfer window. Who needs Barry when we've got Barry Bannan? And as for Milner, we have missed him, but the money is clearly not being re-invested so we have to get on with it. Do you feel that Robert Pires is an inspired signing or do you feel he is ‘over the hill’ We got him for free so it's a zero-risk signing, unless you play him from the start like Houllier did against Arsenal which was a big mistake. Liverpool have a bit of “history” with regards to American owners. Villa have had Randy Lerner in since 2006. What positives and negatives do you feel he brings to the club. He's done a lot for Villa so far so no complaints from me. Whether he has the financial clout to get us any further remains to be seen. I feel Villa fans are very lucky to be able to have contact and information from The General. How important for supporter/club development do you feel this has been and do you think it should be encouraged across other clubs In certain aspects it can be a big help. However media outlets can often latch onto things The General says and create a story (often negative) out of it. I also feel that some perfectly reasonable questions don't get answered and more recently The General has been getting more and more antagonised which doesn't look very professional when reading his responses, at times. Martin O’Neill left at a crucial part of the season and it seems since then he is constantly being linked with the Liverpool job by the media as soon as an opportunity arises. How do you feel he would do as Liverpool manager, given the current financial situation and also with funds available. Martin O'Neill would not be a good move for Liverpool FC. How do you feel Roy Hodgson has done since taking the Liverpool job. He's done as well as can be expected given the circumstances. He needs time, like Houllier. Other than Gerrard or Torres who would you take from the Liverpool squad and why? I wouldn't take Gerrard as he should be in jail. Torres, Cole and Johnson I would have. Last season we had two good games together with Villa winning at Anfield and Liverpool winning at Villa Park. Both games had “talking points” in them and I feel this is always the way with our encounters. What do you expect from this game. I don't "expect" anything because anything can happen in football. I hope for a Villa win. It will probably be a scrappy game with both teams missing players. And finally what would you predict as a final score for our game? 2-1 Liverplop.
  15. Bit of a silly thing to say when Russia's hooligan problem is FAR greater than our own.
  16. I honestly think the WMP handling of the whole night was disgraceful. This match, as all the fans knew and stated beforehand, had the potential to be a powder-keg occasion and yet many simple things could have been done on the night which just weren't. Yes, it is wrong to rip out seats and obviously the flare is an isolated incident. But did any seats get ripped up before the pitch invasion and the volley of urine, spit, coins and seats from above? I don't think they did. You are always going to have fans who react worse than others and the way blues were allowed on to the pitch and then so close to our fans was obviously going to draw a reaction. All this could have been avoided by putting police around the side of the blues stands (hell, there were enough of them) and escorting the Villa fans outside and into town/Aston before Blues were let out. Instead, they let all that happen in the ground, and then let blues go back to re-group in the pubs for an hour while they kept the most pissed off fans because of the result (Villa) stand in the freezing cold (and getting even more pissed off) having all sorts rained down on us again. And then when they did let us go, they did exactly that and it was literally a free-for-all. I mistakenly went in the town direction as I wanted to get a taxi from there to Aston and there were literally running battles all through Digbeth with no police on hand to do anything. I even heard before the game a police commander shout to a female colleague "Get over here and do your **** job!" they really didn't have a clue. Nothing was thought out in what was the biggest derby for years and half of the time I think the police actually let this stuff happen so they have something to do afterwards (sift through evidence). Also, Villa and Blues were literally fighting each other for the full 15 minutes at half-time and Villa fans almost lifted up the shutter which would have been carnage. It took WMP 15 whole minutes to turn up - were they all having a snowball fight outside? How hard is it to figure out that a line of riot police on both sides of the segregation in the concourse would be a good idea? It's not **** rocket science, it's their job. Those from both sides who decided to get into fights outside the ground should be punished and those that smashed up the toilets before the game for no other reason than to feel 'big' should also be punished. Those are the real 'hooligans'. But I honestly don't think much blame can be apportioned to what happened in the Villa stand after the game, bar the flare. As I say, emotion was already running high before WMP decided it was adequate to have one line of police facing our fans whilst thousands of jumping, masked youths approached the Villa end bouncing. Some people were always going to react because of how the situation was allowed to unfold, I don't think it makes them a 'hooligan' even if two wrongs don't make a right. Some of WMP's actions on the night, to me, seem like actions designed to maximise trouble rather than minimise it. I will seriously think about going again, I didn't enjoy it at all.
  17. A win would do wonders for the confidence ahead of our biggest game of the season on Wednesday, but personally I think we'll get raped.
  18. And mine. I think it's because they struggle to even get one-off fans at the Sty, let alone season-ticket holders, meaning they are none too familliar with the term. Hence them calling us 'non-season ticket holders's'.
  19. very nicely put! And some will be hitting people with batons for the fun of it, dare I say. Back to what Undesirable said, I think you're dead right. You will literally have every Villa 'lad' out for this one, and I'd imagine the same from the Lulu's, but then you've more than likely got hundreds more from each side who will just be up for it on the night, because of the circumstances surrounding the game (ie. night match, quarter final, lots of police, lots of potential for trouble, the feeling that there is less chance of being caught on CCTV in the dark, first match of its kind since Rocky Lane etc etc). So in conclusion, I don't think it matters how many police are put on patrol, it could well be carnage. The 500 police didn't help whatsoever during the West Ham v Milwall derby did they? People ended up getting bloody stabbed. Whether the main incidents happen right outside the ground or a bit away from it on Wednesday remains to be seen, hopefully the latter so no inocents get caught up in it. It'd all be so much simpler if the brawlers followed the Ukrainian rules of meeting in a park, miles away from the game and just had it there. This would save the trouble of ordinary fans getting shit off the police and the 2 hour walk home from the sty, however i doubt it would stop certain noses from having a pop at scarfers. I've always thought this. The lads involved get to fight each other, the people at the ground can go without fear of having a housebrick tossed at their head, and the clubs would save money on excessive police budgets. Win win situation?
  20. very nicely put! And some will be hitting people with batons for the fun of it, dare I say. Back to what Undesirable said, I think you're dead right. You will literally have every Villa 'lad' out for this one, and I'd imagine the same from the Lulu's, but then you've more than likely got hundreds more from each side who will just be up for it on the night, because of the circumstances surrounding the game (ie. night match, quarter final, lots of police, lots of potential for trouble, the feeling that there is less chance of being caught on CCTV in the dark, first match of its kind since Rocky Lane etc etc). So in conclusion, I don't think it matters how many police are put on patrol, it could well be carnage. The 500 police didn't help whatsoever during the West Ham v Milwall derby did they? People ended up getting bloody stabbed. Whether the main incidents happen right outside the ground or a bit away from it on Wednesday remains to be seen, hopefully the latter so no inocents get caught up in it.
  21. Is that a similar amount of coppers to the West Ham vs. Milwall derby does anyone know?
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