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Everything posted by onmeedson

  1. Could you see Remi going into that dressing room demanding blood and guts for the cause, fight till you drop, run till your legs drop off. To nice for me and mugged by a useless overpaid staff that see an easy living and no return style of life, football is not for nice guys its about results. Imagine if you got paid by worth.
  2. Way out of his depth, cannot organise doe's not take control, just a doormat to me and the coaching at villa is non existent. The worst team in along time of poor defence lightweight midfield and powder puff attack. Total clear out of playing staff, so called coaching staff and management. Tony pulis looks like a genius compared to this set up.
  3. Does the half season ticket mean you only get half a player ?
  4. Richards has become the new vlarr, problem is the whole defence is useless they are all like for like that get sucked into chasing the ball and not defending the space. We are seeing this game after game okore against wham, Richards today same mistakes by all of the so called defenders but still fans call for one or the other. Garde got it so wrong today but the outcome would have been the same over the season, you cannot play as individuals and get away with it for to long, Norwich were dire but they were at least organised dire. Sorenson was the last defender we had.
  5. In a relegation season you do not have good defenders, would help if he could read the game, needs to be in the sanches role.
  6. Very poor west ham side, these teams you have to beat or you deserve where you are going. Excuses that we would have lost that game last year are lame, you needed beyond all else to win it this year and that sums up the desire that we lack. What stood out for me was the total lack of any sort of leadership on the pitch and of it, team players is what we needed but individuals turned up again who were so easy to nullify. One dimensional football, go two up on ayew get behind hutton or bacuna as there will never be any cover and drive at okore and watch the panic button get pressed, luckily it was a crap west ham side so we got a draw. Lightweight all over and definitely not a premiership side.
  7. We have far too many players that get on the wrong side of the opposition and try to tackle from behind, always a foul, in the box always a penalty. The villa player then turns into a wrestler and easy decision for the ref, not only are they poor players they are poor wrestlers.
  8. Has a tendency to do the bad things in the wrong areas
  9. Major slice of luck today, how they never scored in that first half with our defence all over the shop and saints players missing good chances was our first break this year.Why they left it so late to bring on Romeu who bullied and tore our defence up, thank you Southampton for getting it so wrong.Will take the point all day long and hope it gives villa the lift we need, could see okore doing the sanches role and breaking play up infront off our backline without the comedy element. Ayew played ok but needs to understand he is not a one man band we have to be selfish but for the team not the player.
  10. Can beat a player but does not have the pace to get away from people, very lightweight and one of the many limited players in the luxury department not one for a battle.
  11. Whatever happened to zonal marking, that chump deeney knew who to get the jump on
  12. Well at least someone has drawn a line in the sand, characters step forward please.
  13. Just cannot read a game, turns into Jackie pallow.
  14. Its all about leadership, where was the leader trying to sort out our left side. The whole world knows that is the way to beat villa is attack the left side,this bunch are only heading one way and it is were they belong.
  15. Its all about service with rudy, we cannot cross a ball so pointless in playing him at the moment, could possibly be an impact player for us but unless we find some wingers that can put a ball in just another player in the wrong system.
  16. Best of a poor bunch, when you need a leader to step up and manage a game this lot go back to the playground with handbags. We already have reckless with clark, bungler with okore, slowly with lescot and a captain that lost it on the day. There is only one direction with this bunch without a brain cell amongst them and that is the championship, we need a leader on the park and a steady hand in the dugout. Headless chickens hit walls and fall down holes.
  17. Do not see a problem myself with sherzinger one met the Pope this one is only meeting a monk
  18. What I saw today could have been 20 years ago and watching ray wilkins , forward movement down to walking pace and always taking the easy turn backwards. Hughes couldn't believe his luck a poor stoke side made to look in control.Where was the pace going forward making those lumps turn and defend , we put everything in front of them and made them comfortable, time to get players back and organised with no threat or danger. This was a dreadful game and the tim machine thought he deserved a draw what world are you in.
  19. Are we just slowly walking into that loosing mentality.
  20. Is Tim the nice guy joker all there is, Pulis showed him how an old pro doe's it . Get your basics right run the game from the touchline and react if it is going away from you, overran in midfield and the the gaffer becomes a rabbit in the headlights. Tactics are a major part in this game and the lesson was there for all to see, very average baggies side organised from the touchline were made to look unbeatable . Never understood the Wilkins appointment and the need for a football brain in the set up is paramount, players have to be coached well or they are just another bunch of garbage who run around a field and get beat.
  21. Basic defending, you do not let him go on the inside. Clarke got his position wrong and allowed the option to the player, god would have been nodding his head in disbelief.Will make a reasonable third choice as the brain goes missing to often all gung ho and not enough thought about his game.
  22. So who do you think dann is going to head for on the pitch , you find the weak link and exploit it.
  23. Get your position right and stop trying to be a girl wrestler
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