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Everything posted by barry'sboots

  1. How can you say that? Why not get the pace of the game up from the start??
  2. I think Foden is a fantastic young footballer but just doesn't fit into the England style of play. He is used to dominating the ball and playing with technically excellent footballers who, largely, take minimal touches and pass and move much quicker than England do. I do think the morale is also naturally better also because you do not have the same dominance in the squad as you have had historically - players from seven different clubs in the starting XI on Wednesday and this is broadly reflected in the squad as well. No longer is it just Liverpool, Man U, Chelsea and Arsenal players as it was 20 years ago. It is also a pretty young squad and the younger guys seem much friendlier - witness Jack's summer hols where he is always pictured with Deli Ali, Madison etc..
  3. I absolutely agree with the bulk of what you have written but I don't agree that this will affect Jack's confidence. I believe, and hope, that this will just spur Jack on even more (as long as he's in C&B of course) to prove that Safegate is just plain wrong. I am also hoping that Jack will realise that VP is the perfect place for him to do this as well, especially with the ongoing investment under NSWE.
  4. I have to agree completely. Southgate doesn't believe that controlling the game and possession and offering a significant threat at the top end of the pitch is the way to see a game out but prefers to sit back and defend deep. His tactics, imho, are so basic - when you let teams dominate possession like we did the Danes in that second 15 of ET (even though they were down to 10 men) you always run the risk of a flukey goal flying in. I also agree that he is the luckiest manager that we have had in years. This is the second tournament in a row where he has had the benefit of an extremely kind draw. He also has the best squad of English players that we have had in years and again, imho, does not know how to use them. The key example for me is using Rice and Phillips together. I like both and think it is great that we have finally got good options at DCM BUT I do not think they should both be playing. They are both good at breaking up play - the role that they play for their clubs week in week out - but neither is good as an "8"/progressive/box to box role which is where he has tended to push Phillips. If he was not going to use Bellingham, Mount or Hendo in there, then Ward-Prowse would have bought much more to the team in that role and would have just as much energy as Phillips plus the added threat of his free kick ability. It really frustrates me watching this negative England team. I think I would probably rather have watched us having a proper go and using the attacking talent and maybe getting beaten than winning the tournament playing negative football, not that I believe that we would have got beaten with a more progressive side properly managed and nor do I think this side will beat Italy without (a) Italy having a poor game; or (2) some significant input from Jack. Let's hope that the latter happens!
  5. Difficult to determine from the articles. I read somewhere that he is a central midfielder that is a tough tackler and is also capable of playing as a DCM, so reads like an 8 that can play 6? I understand that you want a proper 6??
  6. Should be "Tim" on the back of his shirt. He must have got his surname of the back of a Wifi password card!
  7. Won't be so clever if they end up getting relegated next year. If they can do that and do a Leicester then they might be considered clever, but this will be all about clever recruitment and coaching and not so much clever selling.
  8. Not a patch on Chuckwuemeka ...... so Christian tells me!!
  9. I agree that he has looked a good player in the bits that I have seen. So has Pereira though! Have you watched enough of either of them to properly appraise their defensive contributions??
  10. A whole new dimension to the question! Only seen it done in movies.
  11. I can't believe that you got to the ESR question first! Priorities!!
  12. First season in the PL/a new country and playing alongside a CB who was (a) slow and (b) also in his first season in the PL - its harsh to write him off after that.
  13. I wouldn't go for Tammy either but Edouard - now that Leicester have picked up Daka - is available for a rumoured 15-20m. That would be perfect for me. We might even get Hourihane to move there in part exchange - I think he is a Celtic fan and would be well suited to the SPL. If we could shift Wes on for the 12m-15m mooted then this would also be useful.
  14. Seen some reports that he is perceived to not work hard enough off the ball. I haven't watched Pereira or ESR enough to know if one is better than the other at this aspect of their game.
  15. It appears that we are after a ACM/LW to play with Jack and Emi and replace Barkley. Who would people prefer out of those linked so far: ESR Ali McNeil Alvarez Pereira Cantwell Any others?
  16. Barkley was on £100k wasn't he? That level doesn't appear to phase us. Not that I am saying that I would want to pay Dele Ali that type of money. This is the problem that the big clubs have when players go wrong (tbf we had it at a lower level with Hogan) where they have players that are on too much money to offload as a level down club cannot afford to take on those wages. If the selling club do want to offload desperately then this should, in theory, lead to a very/relatively low transfer fee though as someone is going to have to take those wages on.
  17. I don't think may of us did, except for Smith and the coaching staff?? I would definitely have kept Freddie and sold Elmo to Bruce last summer!
  18. I think Harry's record, goalscoring and assists, over the last few years is as good as, if not better than, Aguero's record?
  19. Maybe Trippier or TAA - those right backs can play anywhere across midfield don't you know!
  20. Aguero wasn't when Pep first came but he changed his game and that worked out pretty well??
  21. Key thing for us is to show progress. If we can get into the European spots and then re-invest again next summer, I think Jack would probably want to stay. I imagine he would be very keen to lead the Villa out in Europe?
  22. Aston will be to Argentina what Wolverhampton is to Portugal!! Looks good on his youtube reel but then I would probably look good on mine - if I had one!! He looks a cool customer and more able to carry a ball than the likes of AEG.
  23. Not sure that they will be giving it to you straight. I don't think we'd be too happy if one of them came in for Chuckie or Louie Barry??
  24. I still think he is a bit young and undercooked physically from what I have seen. I'd imagine he could be one of those that trains with the first team, gets on the bench when we have injuries, in and around the League Cup squad and then get him out on loan at a decent footballing club for the second half of the season. I don't disagree on his positioning though - typically younger, slighter players are developed in this way. Henry started off out wide. Watkins did likewise. Mason Greenwood is also being developed in this way with a view to him becoming a "9" in a few years time. I could see Barry developing along this route and wouldn't rule him out as a central striker in a few years - I suppose it may depend on whether he is a late developer physically.
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