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Everything posted by Milfner

  1. Technically, I was correct (well I presume that Daniel is on your birth certificate). Back on topic... my Mom on a car journey. Asks so many **** questions and HAS to have the sat nav on despite the fact we've drove to Salford many a time.
  2. My Dad when it comes to making tea. He ALWAYS expects one. I stumbled in at about 1 after coming back from Notts, absolutely dying from a horrific hangover, and the first thing he said to me was, "Get the kettle on, Ryan." No, you make me a brew you absolute jeb, I'm bloody suffering here!
  3. My Dad has, but we were on holiday in Egypt. Think it was a Monday/Tuesday night game against Everton.
  4. I watched the first the other day, it was brilliant. "Acquiring" the series right now.
  5. In a roundabout way, yes he did. Touché, but it's not like it happens all the time however.
  6. I broke both my little fingers (separate occasions) whilst playing in goal. Also pulled my groin. God, that **** hurt.
  7. mjmooney is bang on. ME, if women had to do all the running then you'd be saying the same.
  8. It's both. You just look like a tosser if you get knocked back, especially when you are surrounded by your mates. It doesn't particulary bother me anyways, I don't have to get on a girl to have a good time, in fact I think I'd rather just spend the whole night with my mates seeing as I don't see them all that often. I don't think I could do what guyavfc does, no matter how pissed I was. It makes you look like an utter bell end and desperate. And I don't know why I am like that, it's just the way it is I guess.
  9. It's more about pride than confidence I think.
  10. Someone just got destroyed 121-27 on Countdown. 'Kin hell.
  11. How cringe worthy is that? I sorta just wait for them to come to me without trying to sound cocky, I don't think I could go over to go over to a girl, I just don't/wouldn't have the confidence. 2 girls in my last 2 times out though 8)
  12. Maybe it was for the things that piss you off thread...
  13. It is a good game, but if you play it by yourself it's **** dreadful.
  14. The hairdressers. There's a few things really: 1. I have to be there at half 11, which means I have to be up at half 10, far too early for my liking. Waking up time is 1 at the earliest. 2. Actually having my haircut and wondering will I end up coming out looking like a **** word removed. 3. Small talk. Do I want to have a chat? Well no, not particulary. But I also hate it when you sit down and just sit there is an awkward silence.
  15. Carrot jeans aren't the ones with elasticated bottoms, they are the ones with a longer crotch.
  16. Pfft. Skinny jeans are acceptable as far as I'm concerned, especially when you are relatively slim.
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