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Everything posted by Milfner

  1. What's everyone's score per minute on TDM? All time mine's 304.7, the best on my friend list
  2. Yeah, I click submit and it just shows me the previous page.
  3. Cheers. I'll upload a video of me earlier. Was on fireeeeeeeeee.
  4. Exactly. Is there a way you can upload your gameplay to youtube from your xbox?
  5. Berlin Wall is the worst, the division in the map just slows the game down too much. Do like Discovery, but as like an other snow map, everyone seems to want to use silencers and ghost. Yawn.
  6. Let me guess, it's because I use the "noob tube"?
  7. I hate you, Mantis. Dual mag all the way.
  8. It depends how much you play. If you get in like an hour or more a day, then yeah. If you play COD for like 2 hours a week then there's no point.
  9. Yeah, it probably is, but I'm bored of using it. Servers were shocking tonight, I take it all back CBV!
  10. I see your commando and raise you a Galil.
  11. The girl I've been texting for the last few weeks text me whilst I was in Propaganda. I replied with: "I can't reply, I'm stuck to the floor. HELP ME x" Heavy, heavy night.
  12. Why would you piss in the bath?
  13. Makarovs?! Dual Montys all the way. (Pythons btw)
  14. Can anyone recommend me a good protein shake? Cheers.
  15. It's my birthday next weekend, so if I'm suitably hammered and not looking like a word removed, then I'll put one up. (maybe)
  16. It's cause I really like your picture in the rogues gallery xxx
  17. I'd put my house on Understudy adding you.
  18. Milfner


    I'm underweight. But I'm not unhealthy. I want to put on about a stone I reckon.
  19. Milfner


    You're not underweight. I'm taller that you two, and a stone lighter. Doing something about it now though, going to start running soon, and I've started to do some weights.
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