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Everything posted by AVFC-Prideofbrum

  1. Guzan Young Cuellar CB Warnock!? Milner Reo-Coker Delph Young Heskey Carew. I actually thought those 2 upfront caused quite a few problem, unfortunately our midfield got smashed!
  2. how can a player be captain who mon hardly plays He should be playing!
  3. PaulAndonya. Disagree!! Who played against Arsenal, Hull, Portsmouth, Blackburn, Wigan etc....Yep that's right, Zat Knight! Cuellar played around 6/7 games at CB! He also missed 1 or 2 at the end through injury!
  4. Davies is poor, Cuellar for me is a good player, so yes, I'm also glad fellow Villans can see this.
  5. Show's fickleness IMO! People say there not just moaning about this game but if they said stay at the end of last season, then saynig No now is abit stupid. Like Everton wanting Moyes sacked.
  6. GK: Guzan. RB: Gardner LB: Beye. CB: Cuellar CB: Clark. CM: Reo-Coker CM: Delph CM: Sidwell RW: Milner LW: Young ST: Agbonlahor.
  7. Unless it's drastic, I wouldn't sack any manager until the season is over, I.e in a relegation battle, if were hovering mid-table by Christmas, then if we haven't made Europe then we should look to bring someone new in, if we have made Europe, give him time. I wouldn't see any point of sacking him if were 10th at Christmas say.
  8. of course I'd want him back but only as long as he played next to NRC!
  9. .... because he is a stubborn spiteful bastard..... and that is where all the rumours of losing the dressing room are coming from..... because a lot of the players disagree with his team selections. not least Gareth Barry is well pleased he is away from him. Why would you call him a bastard? He's a **** football manager, YES doubt his managerial ability, question it, point out all the negatives but calling him a name is just disrespectful when in fact he is probably twice the man you will ever be.
  10. I was thinking that! Shorey is just joking around, he's actually about to play CM and score at least 20 league goals.
  11. He needs to really spend and change the tactics, HOWEVER. He's had 3 very good years at Villa, I don't see how we can look at today and then say he should go.
  12. Can someone please let me know what Petrov offers? **** it, Reo-Coker holding, Sidwell driving forward. Simple.
  13. Noone has defended Pichichi, but that doesn't mean we have to say he deserves the sack.
  14. Martin O'Neill shouldn't be sacked HOWEVER, Today was disgraceful. Okay, I'll start. Everytime Friedel got the ball, WHY THE **** AREN'T THE DEFENDERS SPREADING AND FULL BACKS PROVIDING AN OPTION!??!?!?!? Let's get it on the **** ground and play. Nicky Shorey - Don't get me **** started, always said he's useless, woeful. Habib Beye - He was okay. Didn't really make a mistake but didn't do anything good either. Cuellar and Davies - Geniunally didn't think they were too bad, all their attacks came down from Shorey's flank or through the middle through Gomez. Stiliyan Petrov - I've said it so many times, He offers **** nothing in a 2 man midfield, no creativity, don't get on the ball, no flipping nothing. Fabien Delph - Just an okay performance, weren't poor but again weren't good. Steve Sidwell - I thought when he came on we started supporting the strikers better, creating a few things. Ashley Young - Trying to do much, ALTHOUGH our players are waiting for him to do something, noone gives him any options!!! Milner - Average, no opinion. Heskey - He actually was arguably one of our best players, won his flick ons, kept the ball for us most of the time. Agbonlahor - Just nothing, although to be honest, no service at all, I saw him make various runs and all the balls were very poor. Overall 3/10.
  15. Well I don't think there is a good choice for me? I'm not sure we'll do aswell as last season but I just can't wait and also optomistic that we Can do well! My heart says we'll improve, head says just finish 7th or 8th and I'm listening to my heart
  16. I know you don't feel lucky but there are plenty of people who'd absolutely love a season ticket as in would pay over the odds just to have one but unfortunately, work, travel other important life commitments means they wouldn't be able too. Not the fact you have one but the fact your in a position to have one people might see as you being lucky. (I'm not agreeing or disagreeing)
  17. Oh and for the record, I'm going Villa to win 2-0, perhaps 2-1, a sloppy goal at the end to make us all fecking nervous.
  18. Well that is sensible, but something you didn't originally say, unless I've completly missed it.
  19. Well to be honest, last year we might not beat of them, but let's be honest 9 times out of 10, it would of been 3/4-0.....woodwork was hit 3 times and off the line 4 times.....that was a freak game. They have an unproven premiership manager with some unproven premiership players. Not really enthusiasm? If we can't beat Wigan at home because we're not good enough and simply because of those reasons then we could be in for a season of battling relegation is basically what your saying. Wigan last year won something like 2/3 games after January, which is as bad as us, after they lost Heskey and Palacios and they've lost Zaki, Mido, Cattermole also since then and haven't added geniune quality at all. I mean our defence isn't brilliant no, not at all but nor is there's and nor is there strikers or defence. I know you say Jason Scotland, but what's he proved? that he can score 17/18 goals in the Championship? It's hardly a striker we should be worried about, we'll be facing far better players all season.
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