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Everything posted by AVFC-Prideofbrum

  1. Paulandonya, Amazing, IMO. You critisice our defence yet there defence is led by Bramble, they've lost their best midfielder and yet you make no comment on that. Just from one comment: ------------Kirkland----------- Melchiot--Bramble----Scharner--Figueroa Koumas---Thomas-----Watson----Jordi Gomez Rodallega---Scotland ------------------------------------------------------------- Alot of them are very poor players to be honest.
  2. I'm so happy to be at the match tommorow, although I will miss this thread tommorow and an internet link !
  3. Heskeys pre-season form has won him quite a few fans it seems. Definately, it's also Ithink he looks changed, alot slimmer, quicker and stronger, more balanced ...
  4. Mainly extrevert, I do like quiet time but I did a test at A-Level P.e, I believe I was like 60% extrovert.
  5. ---------------Friedel--------------- ------Davies--------Cuellar-------- Beye---------------------------Shorey ------------Reo-Coker---------------- ------------------Delph--------------- -------Milner-----Tuncay---Young----- ---------------Heskey
  6. That was the problem last season! We played the same using Heskey as we do with Carew, there completly different players, Fiorentina was the perfect example, the wingers coming off their line and getting involved beside Heskey and moving around, that's how you utilize Heskey and we played very well as a team so Heskey won't be on the chances as such, it will me Milner, Young, Gabby, and a midfielder breaking from midfield. We've always struggled against Wigan at home usually as they defend the high ball well and are physically strong meaning Carew can sometimes struggle, so if we look to play through them more like we did with Fiorentina we might have some joy and create better opportunities than headed opportunities all the time. Obviously if it's not working we can make changed on 45 or 60 minutes.
  7. Smack Reo in for Delph! Delph is still learning defensively and is liable to get beat a few times, he needs protection from someone such as NRC, and then let Delph drive forward and create. I don't trust Petrov as the holding midfielder in a 4-4-2.
  8. Could say the same about Agbonlahor, based on todays showing, his form will take off where it finished last season, and we'd be better going with Delfounso, he looked much brighter. I reckon he needs to be given a chance this season, he may not have the pace of Agbonlahor, but he's far more aware of whats going on around him. Like someone has pointed out, Gabby's only first game, that was Carew's 5th was it? However you are right in the fact he weren't brilliant today but the times he did get behind, he was brought down, he looked sharp early on but drifted in and out and then second half we just got dominated after a few changes and hardly got the ball. I'd say I'd play Heskey because I like the style of football we play with him in the team with the wingers coming inside and linking up with him rather than the same old get the ball wide and cross it into the box. I'd also be temped to play Young, Milner, Albrighton behind Heskey perhaps with Petrov and Delph holding, the inclusion of having a link player also means it's easier for Petrov to fit in as their will be more defensive support.
  9. Oh jeebus Christ, forgot about that, dissapointed really, didn't think I'd say that but we seem to play better football.
  10. Haven't seen enough from big JC to warrant a first team place next week, it's all well and good turning it on the league but I think he's got to realise, he's got to do it week in week out, I hope we start with Heskey and Gabby with the two wide men coming off their flank and linking up with Heskey. Carew doesn't really offer us this option, it's why Heskey failed in his first 4/5 months IMO, we played the same game once we signed him as what we played before, i.e get the ball wide and cross it, he's not that sort of player, he needs the ball into the feet and players to move off him, he can bully defenders and has good pace as shown today, he'll be an asset this year and Yes JC is one if not my favourite player at Villa but he has to do more.
  11. But I think Reo-Coker would give the Delph the freedom, well so would Petrov but then giving Delph the freedom, I'd be worried because I don't think Petrov is good enough defensively, as in players move past him too easily in my opinion and doesn't close the ball down quick enough. I just think if Delph was to venture forward with no fear like he should be able too, if we did lose it, i'll feel far more comfortable with Reo-Coker there than Petrov. let Reo-Coker win the ball and let Delph do the creating, I see no harm in this, Beye can venture down the right while Milner can come inside looking for the ball. Reo-Coker just gives us that base for solid protection to the back 4, and heck at half-time if we lack invention we can bring on Petrov as they slowly drop deeper and deeper but especially early on when Wigan break quickly, i'd just be worried that's all.
  12. Carew for Heskey and that is the team I expect. For some reason I want Heskey to start, don't think JC has done enough this pre-season, Heskey gives us abit of flexibility.
  13. Right now: ----------------Friedel---------------- Beye-----Davies--Cuellar-----Shorey Milner---Reo-Coker--Delph----Young ---------Heskey--Agbonlahor--------- Bench: Guzan, Gardner, Clark, Sidwell, Petrov, Albrighton, Carew. Hopefully we will have a new CB and LB though.
  14. Friedel/Guzan - 7. Lichaj - 7.5 Clark - 7 Davies - 7 Cuellar - 7 Shorey - 6.5 Albrighton - 7.5 Reo-Coker - 7 Sidwell - 7 Delph - 8 Gardner - 6.5 Young - 7 Milner - 7.5 Carew - 6.5 Delfouneso - 7.5 Agbonlahor - 7 Heskey - 8. IMO.
  15. where has this come from for Guzan? Peace Cup, crazy american commentators: "HULK SHOOTS" "GUZAN SAYS NO GOAL FOR YOU"
  16. From today's game, I'd prefer Heskey to start against Wigan, didn't think I'd be saying that.
  17. well played Delph and players look to be taking to him nicely
  18. Delph's gone to the left, noone really getting the ball to him, we haven't much of the ball this second half, I like Delfouneso though,
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