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Everything posted by AVFC-Prideofbrum

  1. Okay we're not creating loads, but we shouldn't be 1-0 down, we've dominated the play.
  2. Gardner isn't good enough, bring Albrighton on and move Milner of Heskey.
  3. Personally at half-time, I'd Move Milner into the middle and bring on Albrighton,.
  4. Nothing wrong with the performance so far in my opinion!
  5. i was just thinking that Why does Heskey even bother to shoot the bloke is a donkey. What the **** he done bar win a flick on into Gardner!? He hasn't even had a shot.
  6. People are saying poor defending but it looks as if Davies was shoved over?
  7. I wish we had the Porto commentators from the peace cup, that I do miss!
  8. OR. We might see Young in the free role and Gardner on the right.
  9. I LOVE THAT! Reo-Coker holding, SIDWELL AND GARDNER bombing on! love it
  10. Reo-Coker should be given a man marking role on Gerrard. If Sidwell and say Delph can then tight to the other two midfielders, we can really stop them playing, I'd play Luke Young at right back, Beye at left back, mainly because I think Young is a better defender and will be copying with Beanayoun, while Beye is taller for any crosses at the back post towards Kuyt. Milner should play on the left, given the task of keeping Glen Johnson quiet, although Ash works hard, I think he'd get stuck defending the whole game and wouldn't get him on the ball up the pitch and also Johnson has the beating of Young whenever i've seen them play each other. let Young play on the right or even Albrighton and use Ash Young as one of the 3 in midfield, i.e Coker - Sidwell and Young....playing Carew upfront, especially if that Ayala plays, as he can look to bully him.
  11. Just the one, I can speak a little Spanish and French, a little.
  12. I don't know, the no breaks on BBC is a plus, also is the coverage of the football (no breaks). ITV, home of the Champions league though, just has that feel with the commentators. Also X-Factor...
  13. I agree, today's comments about Squad size is very weird in terms of he should know that, most Villa fans know we use the least players!!! However I don't agree with the first comments or I at least don't agree he meant them in that fashion. It weren't said in a "Well we looked tired" as in he's saying the players are tired. Seemed more of a "We looked tired but I don't know why" sorta thing, he knows were not tired, he said it with confusement, "we looked tired but we're obviously not and I don't know why we did." remember, he did say, we looked tired and it was suprising after such a good pre-season which is basically saying he doesn't know why, there was no buzz about our play, it was all slow and lathergic which it was.
  14. Tired comment? What he said he was suprised because we LOOKED tired. Not ARE tired. That means we looked lathergic and let's be honest we did, If it's an excuse he says "It's been a long season and the players are a wee bit tired and we're suffering" Your actually taking his comments and using them in a different context to what he meant. we looked and we are tired are two completly different things.
  15. I don't see what seeing potential in him has anything to do with anything? as Risso said, He's the man who's brought him, if he didn't rate him, he wouldn't of brought him, obviously he thinks alot of Milner to buy him for such a big price. Also don't forget Milner was on loan for 1 year in a very poor season. Keane was at Tottenham for about 5 years, while Solano as you said was at Toon for 6 years, so were proven players at that club.
  16. High in favour of Reo-Coker! People see the truth, now come on MON!
  17. Wilson Palacios, hardly a brilliant footballer but my God he makes a massive difference to Spurs.
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