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Everything posted by Rustibrooks

  1. It’s ironic that barely any of these far right guys are wearing poppies
  2. I know she was always bad, but since the October 7th attacks she’s gone into overdrive. I think she knows what she is doing and she knows she’s not likely to face any repercussions.
  3. These guys are just pathetic, well done Braverman for enabling this.
  4. Likely to be one of their own or a police officer probably, I don’t think any of the pro-Palestine marchers are in that vicinity. I think they will be starting from Hyde Park in about a hour
  5. Their midfield bossed ours. It’s just one of those days I guess as frustrating as it is. On to the next game hopefully it was just a blip
  6. This ref is a dickhead, still doesn’t take away from the fact that we should be better than this but he’s a dickhead regardless
  7. We are second guessing ourselves with the ball at times, sometimes there’s a pass on but we second guess ourselves and Forest get their shape back
  8. Surely the mentality of accepting ethnic cleansing is a possible thought process of why the IDF/Israeli government are fine with dropping bombs on Gazans. Hamas are bad and should be targeted, but at times it almost feels like the IDF use the word Hamas like a buzzword when explaining themselves why they bombed an ambulance etc.
  9. The elephant in the room is how Arsenal spent quite a bit of money on two GKs that are shaky.
  10. After his hat trick I had my Arsenal mates in my ear about how he’s better than Watkins I laughed
  11. If the ratio is 6k-8k citizens to every 10 Hamas fighters, then the method of attacking/bombing Hamas is flawed. I’m not a war expert but using logic you can tell that’s flawed. As stated causing trauma to children will likely make them grow up to be Hamas 2.0. And we’ll be having the same discussions in the future. @Chindiehas said a ground operation from the start could’ve been a better solution. Israel have a good military backed by a country who invest heavily in their own defence, I’m sure they could’ve mitigated civilians deaths with a proper covert style operation to eliminate the Hamas targets.
  12. Speaking to a neighbour of mine that’s from Guyana, he’s mentioned that they have had a recent discovery of oil and other natural commodities. He didn’t sound too happy about the discovery because he believes there may be conflict. Well after speaking with him I came across this from a few days ago and I think it’s something to keep an eye on for 2024 and beyond. Hopefully we don’t have another conflict/proxy war over the same things.
  13. They hit the refugee camp again today according to Al Jazeera
  14. The Rafah border has opened temporarily for the first time since October 7th A bit of good news
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