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Everything posted by Steero113

  1. To be fair after two years playing at the lower ends of the Belgian and Portuguese leagues hasn't changed his perceived attitude problems then god knows what will...
  2. Just make it a clause of the loan that he starts a minimum Number of games.
  3. Sorry but that’s horseshit mate, cash himself said that we were the only PL team in for him and as soon as he heard we were he wanted to come here.
  4. Haller certainly to an extent, but Joelinton had the same goals to game ratio in the BL as a certain Brazilian who has been panned this season playing for us. I'm afraid that Newcastle just made a shit signing there for stupid money, something we should be wary of when looking at strikers, despite how desperate the club might be to reinforce that area. By that logic, Wesley is worth £45m after his first season as he is younger than Joelinton which, of course, he is not.
  5. I feel like Sancho could be happening very late in the window, if so, how would people feel about Daniel James coming our way?
  6. Think he's talking about Ben Chrisene from Exeter
  7. It's tough every year. I feel like West Ham will struggle early doors as they have a huge amount of turmoil going on behind the scenes at the moment at that club. I also have a feeling that Sheffield United will have their second season reality kick in and "do a Huddersfield" this year. Their squad is horseshit and they will be found out. But yeah it certainly doesn't feel like we are on the up as it stands right now but feelings can change really quick.
  8. He'd also be behind Lucas Moura and Steven Bergwijn in the wide forard / winger position as well so it's 95% likely that this is total shit.
  9. Man United yes with Greenwood, Rashford, Williams, McTominay etc recently. They have probably been the best top tier side for promoting youth in the last 25 years. Arsenal to an extent with players who have come through and seen maybe a year of first team action (although Saka who has come through their academy looks extremely good). Chelsea up until last year (when their hand was forced with their ban) have been absolutely laughable with their promotion of youth, literally the worst in the entire league for years and years. At one point they have 20 players out on loan who were never going to get first team action as they kept buying established stars despite their promise.
  10. Starting to get tight now, but I am happy to keep the faith that we have a number of targets on the boil that neither the press, us or the twitterati have any idea about. Prove me right Dean and Co. (Please, please prove me right).
  11. I know mate I just literally spat my biscuit out laughing when I read through them!
  12. Nah, not for you, because whoever I come up with i'll be here until 2am arguing with you as you never, ever, give in... Sorry
  13. My comment is valid, the luxurious foreigner hype of a new incoming signing or unattainable target skews people’s opinions on every forum something rotten. then people are brought down to earth (I.e Wesley) and u-turn towards “never rating them in the first place”
  14. I can name 20 teenagers who at the time were bought for monster money based on little to no senior games and turned out to be flops. This is a big gamble. Happy to eat my words if he turns out to be Henry in 2 years time of course
  15. His agent should change his name by deed poll to just Callum and forge a Brazilian passport = £50m and people on here would be drooling.
  16. Will he though???? "He'll be class for them" - he's played once for the first team. It's the equivalent of paying £35m for an academy player based totally on hype from their u23 coaches and nothing more. If we had done this there would be pandemonium as he has done materially nothing other than be an exotic name that no one has heard of...
  17. Me, its a nightmare market, things are taking time. Wouldn't be suprised if up to 40% of the deals are done in the final 2 days of the window.
  18. It’s just a rehash of the football insider article yesterday mate, nothing new.
  19. Rotten to the core the lot of them, hope they do a Portsmouth
  20. Think we should just have a team full of Exeter academy graduates to be honest, they seem to be killing it. Watkins, Ampadu and Chrisene
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