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Everything posted by AVFCLaura

  1. AVFCLaura


    Ok so the Emerald cut is just as important on the accenting Diamonds as it is the centre stone? Nayson, Shhhhhhhh.
  2. AVFCLaura


    This Pink Sapphire is very pretty and fits the brief. Found here
  3. AVFCLaura


    Is Tanzanite an option? Stunning gemstone a 1,000 times rarer than diamond, mined in only one place on earth (clue is in the name) massively collectable, coveted and looks smilar to Sapphire but has more of a range of colour within the gem. Until a few years back and probably still today on some High Streets, some Jewellers have never even come across Tanzanite. Tanzanite 18k White Gold. Found here. There are some stunning rings outside of the Emerald cut also but if that is what she has set her heart on then stick with it. Regarding certified diamonds, yes, it matters. Although most diamonds you will find look the same / similar on the surface, not all are going to be of the quality you might be expecting. Your certification is your diamond’s written proof of its attributes. The value is a lot lower without certification, there is no assurance that the diamond you are buying is of the quality you’re paying for. Also important for insurance reasons. Certification also means you can make a good comparison with other diamonds – whether in the same jewellery store or in another.
  4. I rolled my eyes half way through the top line, genuinely. And I already know you're lovely! Haha. But glad it works, you must be putting a good message underneath it, that's all I can say!
  5. AVFCLaura


    Sapphire? Now we're talking, leave it with me! Sapphire is SO on trend at the moment, thanks to Prince William & Kate Middleton largely and it is truly a classic timeless gemstone. It's much more revered than Aquamarine.
  6. AVFCLaura


    Oh and regarding White Gold or Platinum, obviously Platinum is more expensive because it has a higher purity, rarity and it is heavier. If you have money to spare and want to go for Platinum it is more resistant to scratches on the whole and yes you don't have to take it in for maintenance because it's really hard to lose lustre on Platinum. But White Gold, IMO is the beauty of Platinum without the cost. And speaking as a girl, it's all about the gemstone. I would rather a White Gold ring with a higher carat weight on the gemstones (if size is your girls thing) or a more expensive cut on the diamonds. At first glance and to most normal people it's really difficult to tell the difference between Platinum and White Gold.
  7. AVFCLaura


    The main problem you have, which is why I asked specifically why Aquamarine, is because it is not an expensive gemstone. So to find it in an engagement ring surrounded by good diamonds, set in platinum, is a task. And because I know Aquamarine isn't expensive, when I find some I think they are MASSIVELY overpriced. I found this one below which is pretty close to your idea above, Aquamarine & Platinum. Found here Leave it with me for a while and I'll have another search.
  8. Which is mentioned in the posted article... Which is also mentioned in the posted article...
  9. Very subtle way of updating us all on your current relationship status Laura. I hope you appreciated the rather polite way nobody liked to ask. Was totally relevant to the story! I was already asked in another thread so it was already 'out there' so to speak. Subtle as a brick this forum. And Levi, my American boss has returned to your fine land, but I applaud your impressive memory!
  10. Gorgeous, gorgeous girls! Even I fancy girl b. Seems like it's going better than you expected Good for you fella.
  11. AVFCLaura


    Ok, first of all, are we talking an engagement ring? Why Aquamarine out of curiosity? You have 2 types of Aquamarine, normal Aquamarine is a very pale blue in colour (sometimes a light greeny blue), Santa Maria Aquamarine is more of a deeper blue. Santa Maria Aquamarine is more expensive / coveted because it's heat treated to turn the gem into a purer blue colour which is visually more appealing. Light / Normal Aquamarine: Daker / Santa Maria Aquamarine: When shopping around, ask the Jeweller where your Aquamarine is mined - if the jeweller doesn't know (the correct answers being Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria or Tanzania) then don't buy it from him - too many middle men. If you do, it will show him that you know what you are talking about and can help with negotiating. Aquamarine isn't massively expensive, largely because it's still in quite good quantitiy and has a fair few mining locations so you will be able to get graded diamonds for your money. There is quite a long list of diamond grading, F/FL (Flawless), IF (Internally Flawless) VVSI (Very, Very Small Inclusion), VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, I1, I2, I3. The most popular you will see is the SI part of the scale. In a diamond of the carat weight I assume you will be buying, SI clarity (Slightly Included), SI1 and SI2 would be good quality. These all contain inclusions which are visible on magnification but not with the naked eye. Regarding carat weight, the most important thing is the size in mm's when comparing rings. Remember carat weight is about the density of the gemstone, so 2 8mmx8mm square cut gems could have 2 different carat weights. When it comes to certified diamonds, the most popular independent organisations for certification are (of course all crazily abbreviated) are GIA, IGI, IDL, AGS, EGL, HRD. All good. Sourcing, I do agree with a previous post - I think you get a lot more for your money online at the moment. Regarding Jewellery Channels, I've watched Gemstv for 6 years now (I love learning about gems, I don't have the money to buy), it's always had beautiful reasonably priced Jewellery sourced from the miners, made by them and sold by them and because of that it's better value than the high street - always graded, always certified and have a 30 day money back guarantee if it's not right. With Jewellers, when making a considerable purchase I would note the carat weight, grading, mm's, grams of gold - go home, find a similar ring on the Internet through a reputable seller (not ebay) at a significantly better price and take it back in as ammunition to move the price down. If you do buy online, don't be afraid to call the company and haggle over the phone, if it's 1600 online, call them and say you only have 1400 to spend but love the design - you'll be surprised how much even online retailers will budge. Another thing, historically Aquamarine is believed both to soothe and prolong relationships.
  12. LOL First girl I've been chatting to (on the right). Seems nice. Asking her on a date as we speak. Won't ask the other one until I get a sense of yes or no from her. Like I said, I keep it 1 at a time Yay! She's gorgeous! (Any comments on here otherwise, are just jealously)
  13. Quite right. If I was in a real life version of Taken, I'd want no one else to be my Dad.
  14. I like it. What kind of scumbag would go to a communal fridge, take something knowingly that wasn't theirs (without even asking who it belongs to!) and eat it. That type of individual is dangerous.
  15. It looks like it's only a select few who are 'debating' this, Mike. Most of us seem to be looking in from the outside in bemusement, that bemusement coming from both sides of the divide/argument. Fixed for you
  16. I like poppies, I like what they stand for and the sad loss that they remember, I like that the charity ask for donations - not a set amount, I like the sense of national pride associated with them. Although in this situation with the football shirts, I tend to think it's the right decision. And I wouldn't have any problem with any other Country putting something equivalent on their shirts at all - but where would it stop? Who would draw the line? Who has a right to say what is worthy and what isn't? It would be a political nightmare that would take up too much time I'm afraid. FIFA have to have a stance, which seems easier to say no to all requests to stop it from getting out of hand and absorbing too much time. Now, should the players wish to wear a Poppy about their person on the way to and from the ground, then great. They have that right and I hope they exercise it - that is the best way they can show their support.
  17. (Dont know if this needed to be in Other Football or here, please move as necessary if so)
  18. Edited Jon I had to add Jessica Jane Clement on as they blew her picture up massively as she is the only remotely attractive person going in.
  19. I'm afraid gents (and ladies) not as much totty as you might like... The full line up is: FATIMA WHITBREAD, 51, athlete (far left). Famous for: Olympic javelin medals. FREDDIE STARR, 68, comedian (second left). Famous for: Eating hamster sarnie, which made The Sun's front page. SINITTA, 43, Eighties pop singer (centre). Famous for: So Macho hit and being Simon Cowell's right-hand woman. MARK WRIGHT, 24, reality TV star (third right). Famous for: Being love rat on The Only Way Is Essex. LORRAINE CHASE, 60, model-turned-actress. Famous for: Saying Luton Airport in 70s TV ad, and playing ex-con Steph Stokes on Emmerdale. JESSICA JANE CLEMENT, 26, (Far right) TV presenter and sometime dancer in music videos. Famous for: Going undercover as a scam artist in BBC3's The Real Hustle. ANTONY COTTON, 36, Corrie star (far left). Famous for: Pulling pints in the Rovers as gay knicker-stitcher Sean Tully. STEFANIE POWERS, 69, actress (second left). Famous for: Eighties hit Hart to Hart. DOUGIE POYNTER, 23, McFly bassist (centre). Famous for: Romancing The Saturdays' Frankie Sandford, then hitting rehab. CRISSY ROCK, 53, actress (second right). Famous for: Misery and bossiness as Janey on Benidorm. WILLIE CARSON, 68, ex-champion jockey (far right). Famous for: riding 187 winners in 1990. Golden oldies this year, eh?
  20. Especially when people constantly remind you about their 'courage to stand up for their convictions.' I might need to borrow that gloss for my kitchen...
  21. Did this question get answered? I'm still interested in the answer. Given that his stated stance is that he thinks the bible is without flaw and he claims to have read it I can only assume he is aware of its stance on homosexuality. Therefore I would say we already have an answer on that one sadly. You would think so TV... I'm interested to know his stance though. I can't tell you how many deeply religious people I have come across who gloss over homosexuality in the bible because they are not homophobic and have no problem with gay people. The main reason I do not follow a belief is because as yet, I have never found a religion that doesn't have one, or more, fundamentals that I simply cannot follow. I am interested to know, whichever side of the fence he sits on with this topic, how it affects his faith / life.
  22. Do it, do it! Even if you do photograph terribly (which I suspect you don't) then surely it would only be a good thing when you meet someone. It's better than being really photogenic and not looking as good in person. And all the really good girls I know are the least shallow people I know. Oh Yeah, me too!
  23. Went out for a few beers with the work colleagues last night, fella and I left at 10.30pm as he is a teacher and I start at 7. Received a phone call from my boss in the night drunkenly proclaiming that I owe him 8 pounds 30p for the cab he got home as we shared a cab in to town that he paid for and I said I would pay the one home, but we left earlier than he did. Which I would have happily squared with him today. Woke us both up at 1am. What a first class dickhead.
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