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Everything posted by birdman

  1. The co commentator has gone very quiet. Must be in tears
  2. Buzzing for this game. Have a feeling we can get something out of it. Kamara will get a start presumably? A huge boost if so.
  3. Big day today. Its in our hands to keep the pressure on with 3 points. A huge ask but not impossible! Hopefully Ollie has his scoring boots on
  4. Ah the dulcit tones of Hinchcliffe. A clear strike to the face! Oh ffs
  5. I mean this may happen but what a shame it would be not give a hot prospect academy player a chance? Doesn't make sense to me. Hopefully we'll get another look at him.
  6. I see some plastic on twitter last night saying how did we rob Villa for 100m Still a Jack fan, he's had an incredible season
  7. Fair play Brighton. Excellent team. But also screw them. FFS! I don't give a crap though we're on the up big time and Kamara is back for Anfield
  8. F sake Arsenal! Park the bus time
  9. Arsenal aren't great but Brighton not doing much either! Very scrappy game.
  10. Key thing for Liverpool game is not to concede too much goal difference. Hopefully we get something. After today's result team will be bang up for it.
  11. Soft pen for Notts that is. Edit...not even penalty. Ridiculous!
  12. Brighton hopefully knackered by the time they play us. Straw clutching
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