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Everything posted by birdman

  1. Let's not concede a silly goals lads.
  2. What a finish Ollie guy is cooking!
  3. Yep. Time to get a good look at what he can do.
  4. Good idea although would prefer carbonite freezing à la Han Solo.
  5. Oh yes when Bailey was struggling he was getting pelters. I was just making a point that a frustrated and struggling player may not necessarily be a bad egg.
  6. Bailey has been accused by many of having a terrible attitude btw. Short memories indeed
  7. Yeah shame, would be a quality signing. Doesn't seem to be enjoying life at Manure.
  8. There's a decent player there somewhere. Imagine what Unai could do for him...
  9. Pulled his shin splints. Out for 2 weeks to 2 years according to deansmithinjuryupdates.bs.uk
  10. I think a red would have been harsh although was a certainly a close call.
  11. Digne has been brilliant this season very consistent. Just lacking some goals really which which he's capable of. Moreno better in this respect. Great to have both player doing well though.
  12. Bit of a shame really. Physically a beast but lacks a footballing brain.
  13. Quickest feet in the prem. Brilliant player!
  14. They'll score 3 goals in the 30 mins added time.
  15. I think we'll be more potent with Tielemans over Kamara.
  16. Don't knock Dunne he scored loads of goals for the opposition
  17. When he pushes forward there's always space around him as opposition sh1t scared. He's like a cheat mode
  18. Guy is magic. The whole team plays better when he's controlling from the back.
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