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Everything posted by birdman

  1. Belgium were solid and organised but nothing more. We should have got something from that. Jack aside, our transition play was too slow for my liking. As Carragher kept droning on about... we do need a bit more pace in the side.
  2. Really makes many of these England players look very ordinary. Shame he's not manage an assist or a goal but not for lack of trying. Funny how people have taken the piss out of Villa with the "just give it to Jack" comments and now thata what the England players are doing!
  3. I personally doubt there is a release clause. Its the kind of thing you need when your relationship with a club is very much different to the one Jack has with Villa. If the situation arises where his departure is fair for both club and player then the deal will be thrashed out. Let's hope that situation doesn't materialise any time soon or indeed ever!
  4. Solid from Jack. I would say 6.5 out of 10 and still got MOTM. You can see how disciplined he was trying to stick to Southgates plan and for that reason I think he was limited compared to what we are used to. Very much sacrificed a bit of flair for the team game but as he becomes more confident with his England role he'll get even better. Linked up really well with Mount and Saka. Only played 60 minutes and there wasnt much intensity so good news for Villa. Guess he's going to play a part against Belgium though!
  5. Positive COVID test for Brazil player Gabriel Menino. Doug might have to isolate as he's trained with him!
  6. Southgates handling of Jack has been curious at best but generally quite petulant. Behind the scenes in camp I suspect they all get on and have a laugh about it all but he definitely has a chip on his shoulder with Villa which has emerged in various interviews. As a England manager he shouldn't allow himself to be dragged down to meme level and although I appreciate him trying to have a bit of banter, it seems tainted with a little bitterness. Just my take on it anyway. In a more positive note I think it has finally dawned on him that Jack can massively improve this England team. I just hope he's braver with future team selections. It would be shame to waste all the talent he has at his disposal!
  7. I'm paraphrasing from The Telegraph article here but Southgate continues... "we're not blind to a good player" in Grealish and for this friendly he has found a solution. They will both play with Mount asked to fulfil "a slightly different role" in the centre of midfield where England remain short of options.
  8. According to the article Jack and Mason will both start tonight. Unless I've interpreted it wrong!
  9. It's actually a good article and states he's going to play Mount and Grealish together tomorrow night. Looking forward to it but please no injuries
  10. True. I'll just have to accept he actually has some ability to joke/troll us regardless if it doesn't really suit him. Credit where credit is due, there are now plenty on twitter whose piss is boiling once more
  11. When I first read this I thought it was a meme/joke comment from someone else not sure whether to appreciate the bants or dislike him even more. Help I'm confused
  12. Beaky take the handbrake off his Nissan Micra? Chance would be a fine thing! Our Jack is like an Aston Martin... Classy, fast, very expensive and partial to a few naughty donuts
  13. I still can't believe we managed to keep him. An absolute masterstroke by Dean and the owners And look where we are now! I can't remember the last time I looked forward to the next match without fear of the opposition. This season could be a big turning point in our history. Maybe even getting back to somewhere near where we were with Martin O'Neil except in vastly better financial shape!
  14. Yeah do you reckon Gareth congratulated the Villa boys on a nice win?! He'll probably make them train on their own as punishment
  15. What was his injury?! Must have been serious to be out for so long!
  16. We all want to see him bossing for England but at the same time not picking up an injury! It's a nightmare lol. Would be good if that Iceland game was cancelled!
  17. Our second most important signing after Jack. He's been outstanding! I love his can do attitude and European ambitions. I think the only thing that could stop us having a shot at top 6 is depth of the squad and the way Dean is reluctant to use subs will see us have injury concerns I fear.
  18. Arsenal defenders were terrified! Like a rabbit in the headlights. Every game he's getting stronger and more confident. There really isn't much opposition managers can do, you kick him and concede fouls... you don't kick him and you get skinned! Amazing to watch at the moment.
  19. Targett was brilliant last night. Really stepped up this season and looks more focussed and determined. Better players means better shape and I think this has taken the pressure off his side a bit.
  20. To be honest at about 70 mins I was thinking Nakamba should come on for Ross as I thought he was crocked! But then he was still bombing around lol
  21. He worked so hard today and kind of dictated the pace of the game. Slowed it down or pushed forward when needed. Always in the thick of it!
  22. Jack was never slow but my word he's upped his pace this season. He's also shooting more and was very unlucky not to have scored 2 tonight. That volley was heading in no doubt in my mind! When Southgate insinuates he lacks pace and athleticism what actual narcotics is he on?!
  23. Bit early to judge Ross I think guys. Early days.
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