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Teale's 'tache

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Everything posted by Teale's 'tache

  1. 17 in 48 games, 2 of which were Champions League https://www.transfermarkt.com/wesley/leistungsdaten/spieler/381362
  2. Maybe he shaved.. you know... down there.
  3. I've made a few updates based on some of the suggestions here.
  4. I've kind of modernised and refined it a bit.
  5. In terms of what we need and what he brings, I think this could be a good move. However, I do have some reservations. Mainly that I think he'll be a walking red card in the Premier League. He plays on the line, and has no problems crossing it, he's incredibly aggressive which can be a good attribute, but can also very quickly become a bad one. The price we will have to wait and see, £14m seems about right to me, but I think Leeds will be wanting quite a bit more.
  6. Very happy with the fixture list, only one tough run of games October/November, if we can get through that relatively unscathed confidence and injury wise then we have a nice little run over Christmas to get up a head of steam and make some points back.Other than that it seems pretty balanced to me. Can't wait!
  7. The typeface is the same for both, it's just smaller on the round one in order to fit, I didn't want to change too much so I went with a similar font face to what is already being used, could play around with it though, see if something more modern might work a little better. I'd send you the lion in a vector but imgur doesn't allow SVGs for some reason...
  8. Eh, not for me, preferred the white, but worth a try
  9. I might give it a try when I get chance, think it will look better on the none round version but you never really know until you see it in place.
  10. I considered the star, not sure how I feel about it, I think two stars look good, one on it's own looks a bit... well lonely...
  11. Thought I'd throw a few things together quickly, you guys really seem to like your round badge don't you? For those precious few that aren't for a round badge...
  12. They'll never take Hogan, he's a right Turkey...
  13. I didn't say a round crest was impossible. Some clubs have incredibly detailed crests that don't work for a brand, I just gave some technical reasons why we might not be following that kind of design currently.
  14. Nantes have tried to do a similar thing... I like it, but I can see why some wouldn't, like I say it's all just a matter of opinion.
  15. Sorry, I'm reasonably new here so I don't know what discussions have been had on here before, I'm not really sure how we got on to the crest anyway. I never said people don't get it, everybody has a different opinion and that's fine, the job of a designer is not to change somebodies opinion but to find a compromise that works. Somebody asked for my technical opinion and I gave it, I don't expect anybody to change their opinion based on that, and nor would I want them to.
  16. To be instantly recognisable, to be memorable, to be flexible enough to work across different media. It's not my speciality, I'm a web designer but I sometimes have to follow brand guidelines, and occasionally clients want a logo designing. You might not like it, but Logo/Brand design is big business, having a professional brand/logo gives you an edge against somebody who doesn't, it's one of the most important tools in marketing. In global football right now being able to market yourself in new markets is very important. FWIW I don't think our crest is going to change any time soon, but you never know.
  17. Yep, in my opinion this not a good logo for a brand to have. But that is just my opinion, where logo's/crests are concerned you are never going to make everyone happy, everybody seems to have a strong opinion on them and all you can do is try to please as many as you can whilst creating something that can actually function for it's intended use.
  18. Firstly, this doesn't scale down very well, having the text not straight but lining in a circle means it jumps around as you resize it down, also as it gets smaller you wouldn't be able to make out the details of the lion, it would become a bit of a splodge(technical term ). So for example, imagine you want to put this crest on something as small as a zipper on a coat, you wouldn't be able to make out any of the important details. In the current badge the AVFC is straight and larger so legible at a small size, and the lion is also bigger so the details can be made out at a smaller size than the one above. I'd also put forward that the yellow line against the sky blue background doesn't sit well, especially on a digital screen, the colours end up bleeding in to each other. It looks nice, but that's only half of a designers job, it also has to work practically. One of the posts above is correct though, if you look at some of the other clubs they don't play by these rules either, Sunderland being an example, that crest is no good for being part of a brand, it's way too detailed and out of date.
  19. He played 16 games for us on loan from Chelsea in 13/14 under Lambert. He was actually really good. Certainly an upgrade on Bennett and Tony Moon...
  20. As a designer who has on occasion had to design logos, I think our crest is fine. It's not amazing, it's not terrible. Changing it will be a headache though, when you consider how much it is used, how many sizes it is used in, how many different colours it might sit on, it's an incredibly difficult design. Even once you have a design in place it's a mammoth task to go around updating everything. Not to mention the number of people that will be peeved that any recent merchandise they've purchased is instantly out of date because of the change. In logo design, in general it's best to really simplify things down, it makes it easier to use at small sizes, easier to re-colour, easier to recognise at a glance. Look at Juventus' recent update, simple but effective that's the key. It sounds easy, but believe me it is not! That's why we reduced our name down to AVFC on the crest and lost the 'prepared' part, it was simplifying it down. I wouldn't be a logo only designer by trade, it's incredibly tough. I could have a go at doing us a new crest if people wanted though?
  21. Although I agree with a lot of what you are saying here, 'boro went down with a pretty measly defence, they just didn't take enough chances the other end of the pitch because they didn't have the quality to do so. You can't stay up on a good defence alone is what I'm trying to say. I think it's important to have a balanced team, as we had towards the end of last season, we were both attacking and clinical and solid at the back when we needed to be, I expect investment throughout the team.
  22. Kappa are well known for the repeating logo pattern, but they have done some kits recently where the logo is less prominent, see Leeds kit last year. From what I've read on here Fanatics will actually be putting together the designs and Kappa will be signing them off, they may demand the logo be more prominent but fingers crossed they won't. There will be separate guidelines for how the Kappa, W88 and our crest are allowed to be used so there are going to be some restrictions, I don't know what these guidelines are so it's easier for me to come up with something nice, it's going to be more difficult for the actual designers.
  23. I promise you I do have a job and I do actually do some work sometimes... but... this is fun!
  24. Interesting, Fulham weren't too shy about transfer fees that summer either. He certainly needs to be playing, and may be more willing to force something after only 13 starts last season. We'll have to see what comes of this if the rumour does have some truth to it. I liked Bertrand when we had him on loan, I'd take him back if the fee is right, must admit I don't feel he's quite kicked on too much since then though, if he had he'd be knocking on that England left back door.
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