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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    a head coach that coaches....what is this wizardry......
  2. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    ye, i wasnt even that impressed with Danjuma in the championship, looked a little one dimensional to me.
  3. Sanson can and has played no.10 and wide, in theory he could fit in the less defensive of the double pivot, the no.10 role, or a wider of the AM three. Whether he will or not is another question.
  4. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    McGinn is going to be having palpitations if he watches this.
  5. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    interesting that he said "For the last few days I've been thinking carefully and feeling what my decision should be". basically, we were on to him right after, or maybe even slightly before gerrard was sacked.
  6. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    Anyone any idea what that letter says in English?, i cant copy it to google translate..
  7. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    my only concern is the GK coach, we wouldnt get rid of Cuts would we???
  8. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    what he probably will want is pacy/skilful wingers. We possibly have one in Bailey, i reckon we will buy at least one silky winger in Jan.
  9. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    Emery: John McGinn, did you like the tactical assessment document that i gave you yesterday to review? McGinn: Yes boss, it was tasty!, thanks!
  10. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    wow, just listening to a vid of his time at Arsenal, he had made 10 half time subs to change things up, the most of any manager at the time in the PL. Its gonna be carnage with some of our players lol.
  11. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    what is Emery like with youth players?, does he have a history of blooding young talent?
  12. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    you laugh now, you will be crying when he keeps McGinn as captain, gives him the number 10 slot and drops Buendia
  13. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    well you know what they say, all good things come in threes..... Emi 1, Emi 2 & Emi da Baws.
  14. MaVilla

    Unai Emery

    Hello there young squire, i see you are new to supporting Aston Villa?
  15. thats fine, but these are multi lingual people trying to speak a foreign language, tbh i have a lot of respect for that, most of the ppl taking the pis* probably cant even speak their mother tongue properly without sounding like a tool. I do get that its a "joke", but i dunno, just feels a bit inebriate to me to make fun of a foreigner who is actually multilingual, and the person joking about them probably can say hello/goodbye in another language at a push. I dunno, i do see your point, i get it, but i also think its a bit.....childish.
  16. yeah, kinda stupid and ignorant that. i have a french friend and she speaks english with a fairly thick french accent, she tends to apologise randomly for her accent, but i just say you are doing super well and dont worry, speaking multiple languages is something i wish i could do, and 99.9% of english speakers who take the piss out of foreigners speaking english with an accent, probably struggle to even master their mother tongue without sounding like a half human idiot.
  17. without sounding like a total dork, as i dont bet at all ever, how certain(ish) is 4/9 odds? Amorim was 10/11 odds or something 2 days ago?
  18. please no talk of "mini pre-seasons", i think im traumatised from the previous "once we have a mini pre-season/pre-season under our belts we will improve" If yesterday was anything to go by, the less planning we have the better
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