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Everything posted by Okonokos

  1. That's quite negative by your standards. Only 96%? So long Jack.
  2. Nothing on the ones I've seen. If we can find the original photo then maybe.
  3. The absolute worst part of this is that I was resigned to it and now I have hope again. Son of a bitch!
  4. You've been saying that for weeks. Just a gut feeling or you know something?
  5. Just imagine if in 10 minutes time we get a tweet from the Villa admin along the lines of...
  6. I love how this has 10 likes and 6 thanks but if you'd come on here and basically told us barron was a bullshitter you'd have been abused Seriously though, thanks for the info. And the fact that he's deleted his account makes me more confident he's not a bullshitter, if anything.
  7. At least we still have Whispers to give us clear and concise information.
  8. Hope not. They're one of the few classy clubs left.
  9. They've clearly edited a spare B they had lying around!
  10. I think I prefer the Bremen fans.
  11. No problem. Definitely worth at least a read. He doesn't seem a typical needy ITK and has actual history so worth keeping an eye on. I took it as he means most of the talk at the moment isn't even paper talk, it's just rumours, hearsay or pure bullshit. Can't argue with that.
  12. I think he says he's been told that Grealish is staying but he isn't 100% sure on that himself and thinks we may be preparing for with and without him. He says "from what I can gather we may be preparing for both outcomes". That just sounds like his opinion. But he definitely states that he has been told he's staying.
  13. Just putting this in here. Apparently someone on Reddit who has ITK status in the past. Could well be a load of nonsense but why not put it here and hope he's right eh?
  14. He's correctly called Leon Bailey 24 hours early, reading his posts so far.
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