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Everything posted by VillanousOne

  1. isn't he? My bad I always thought he was a wide player?
  2. doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out which four does it based on how bad the rest are, doesn't mean they are as much of a success as you seem to think. I mentioned a winger, i didn't say superstar winger, right now i'd be happy if Lambert played Carruthers. Bent scored the odd goal? I think he has scored more than the odd goal for us, would it make any difference if he ran round like a headless chicken as well? Goals aren't enough on their own? We've wanted a selfish goal poacher since the days of Saunders and Yorke, we get one and everyone bleats on about how he's a luxury player, along with Ireland and Nzogbia. Anyone who has any actual talent is a luxury player and mercenary these days. Young hungry but crap is the level we want and expect?
  3. Four? Benteke........... replaced Bent when we needed someone alongside Bent, Bent was scoring goals, we needed a winger/wide player. Not saying he isn't decent but to alienate one player in favour of another when we have a small and average squad is utterly barmy. Lowton...... ok he's better than Hutton, but we are asking way to much of him. Vlaar.......... we have still shipped as many goals with him in defence as we did with Collins and Dunne, i like Vlaar but i'm not sure he's as amazing as a lot of people think he is. For every positionally astute interception and tackle he makes he misses about three. Westwood....... our team is so **** bad that a player that does the basics right is suddenly heralded as amazing, yes Westwood is half decent, but what is his role in the side, he doesn't create anything and he's not defensive at all? Maybe alongside a player we've yet to sign he will thrive and continue to improve, but until then??? Then it is Lambert's fault for not signing these more established players.
  4. anyone not think that Lambert is going down the exact same route of using the youngsters that almost got us relegated with McCleish? I am almost bored of pointing out how average the core of our squad is.
  5. i genuinely think he isn't that bad, he looked ok when beside Cuellar in defence - just terrible when next to Max Branning. He would be great in back three with Vlaar and Baker or Clark. we could sure do with him and Vlaar right now.
  6. now i've calmed down a bit - I can maybe admit myself and probably others are over reacting, the squad Lambert inherited was poor and his attempts to strengthen it were never going to come off in one transfer window. His ethos of young and promising players and pulling talent from abroad and lower leagues is something we have lacked and needed for a long time now and until two games ago people were starting to see what he was trying to do. I personally don't know if the way he has treated, Hutton, Warnock and Collins has really paid off, but you can see why he wanted to change things. In my opinion though if you are going to sack off three experienced (if out of form) players, you need to replace them with three experienced but better players. Vlaar is unproven and not without his merits and faults, Lowton is promising, Bennett is out of his depth. I don't agree how he has handled Bent, Ireland and Nzogbia, the last two may not have/ever live up to expectations but they still have the most talent and experience we have in midfield, Bent in my opinion didn't deserve to be humiliated by being dropped in favour of Bowery in the bench/squad - even if he is a stroppy egotistical player who is hard to accomodate tactically when things aren't going well. Why we have imploded I am not quite sure, injuries, over reliance on average players.... maybe, we genuinely seem to be having some shocking luck, every interception or 50/50 challenge today won ended up bouncing straight to a Spurs player, every time Chelsea shot on goal it went in. Clark, Bannan, Herd, Delph and Lichaj have not shown me anything more than the Championship form they should under the last three managers. Ok so maybe Clark deserved a run in the team as did Baker but they still make rookie mistakes and cost us goals. You can't blame Lambert for using his judgment to give these players a chance though, but what he has to do is learn from what is happening now and use the Jan transfer window wisely. Benteke suffers when the team suffers, just like Bent does - people forget how young he us. I thought him Weimann and Gabby as a front three looked really good. Holman and KEA need to be used as back up as both have looked pretty ropey. Lerner isn't going to sack Lambert and throwing money at the team isn't a solution on it's own, but i've never seen a time when we need bodies more than ever, not even world class players - just players that can do a job in the premiership. Lambert has to accept that if he wants young players to flourish at the foundation of his team then he needs some short term thinking, meaning we need proven prem players probably on high wages and shorter term contracts - to allow us to survive while Lambert and Lerner's cheap youthful utopia takes root.
  7. you mean the way we had 1 shot to their 10 and their non-stop corners and freekicks? Yeah we matched them alright first half
  8. We didn't get tonked by Man Utd or by Liverpool, defeat isn't the problem, it's the manner of the defeat that hurts. Had we lost 3:1 to Chelsea or 2:0 to Spurs we would have been annoyed but we would have shrugged and said 'we were beaten by the better team' but I think the problem was also down to the fact we had come off the back of a good unbeaten run including clean sheets. I think Lambert is utterly deluded but look at the team he could have put out injuries permitting. Not saying we'd win with the below, but we'd stand a chance in hell which we don't now. ------------ Benteke --- Gabby Ireland Weimann ---------- Westwood Bennett --- Herd ---- Lowton ------Vlaar Clark Baker ------------ Guzan I presume Weimann was injured today?
  9. i would like to believe this but as many has said Norwich have not got a better squad, neither have West Brom, Stoke etc etc. we have had atrocious luck with injuries, but you still have to say the board and manager have known how weak our squad is and how rubbish most of the youth are because they were all terrible last season. It feels like no lesson has been learnt at all. Now people will slate me for this but - by the end of last season our defence was actually pretty good and it had to be to keep us in the premiership, yes i appreciate that Hutton and Warnock were often terrible, but the approach of hoofing them out of the club rather than trying to get the best out of them hasn't worked at all. Deciding to play the big boss when it comes to Ireland and Bent hasn't worked either. Rather than add to what little quality we did have Lambert has stripped it back and replaced it with 'young and hungry players' players that I thought had already proven they weren't good enough like, Delph, Herd, Lichaj, Clark, Bannan. Guzan, Benteke, Vlaar and Lowton are the only players to add anything, the rest have taken us further back. Benteke should have been bought to play alongside Bent not as a replacement. Is Vlaar better than Collins, you'd think so but Collins has been solid for WHAM this season getting MOM on a handful of occasions, has Vlaar had MOM for us? And i don't mean the self-appointed ones our club gives the least crap person on the field i mean the prem league MOM. If it wasn't for the fact Lambert's tenure was following McCleish then there would be a LAMBERT OUT thread by now, so many of us including me want him to succeed so hard we are utterly blinkered by the horrible truth. I expect to be beaten by Spurs and Chelsea, but by the odd goal, not this.
  10. i think he has 2 or 3 games left to be honest, i don't even think Randy can stomach this shit
  11. something about picking ourselves up and the whole team tossing themselves into a volcano hopefully. or better still 'i resign'
  12. yet somehow most of us are probably not surprised after the Chelsea game.
  13. i'm surprised the players can actually find the pitch from the dressing room
  14. despite times i have criticised Lambert i have always supported him and believed in what he was doing, i have to say NOT ANYMORE! Whatever he is, does or thinks he is doing is bollocks. He is massively out of his depth and his gambles have not paid off, his tactics aren't paying off and the bottom line is WE ARE NO BETTER THAN UNDER MCCLEISH! of course the board and previous managers have to take some of the blame. Remember a team that had Milner, Barry, Young, Downing, Petrov, Carew? Now we have a worse side then when O'Leary was in charge. We gambled all our money on players no-one wants to play or rates.
  15. also what the hell is it with injuries, all of them are dragging on forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Maybe Lambert has realised the whole squad needs replacing rather than just a few bandaids here and there to stop the bleeding
  17. we have no composure on the ball, if in doubt pass back is all we have. get Carruthers on. Even Bannan would do better than Delph or KEA and that is liking saying 'hey use this toothpick to crack a nut instead of a dead fly'
  18. Guzan vs Spurs, we have been atrocious Bennett looked decent I thought but aside from that it is like watching a pub side. At least the first thing Ireland did was attempt to play it forward. We miss Weimann, we miss Gabby, we miss Vlaar, our injuries this season are really hurting us
  19. What a shitty line up, Why does he not play Ireland? He is beginning to play like MacLeish did with more and more defenders or defensive players
  20. apparently players on high wages are forced to train in a small enclosure with an electric fence round them. Ireland, Bent, Dunne, and Nzogbia are forced to shit in a toilet with glass walls round it so the other younger cheaper and potentially better players can point and laugh. Also the truth behind Darren Bent being dropped and losing the club captaincy is because he beat Lambert in a pub quiz, Lambert always thought he knew the most Braveheart quotes.
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