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Mandy Lifeboats

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Everything posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. Advice!!!! I have the chance to get a Bel Canto by Christopher Ward. New. Titanium strap. It's complication is that it actually chimes. Hammers at 6 o'clock hit the chime which runs around the edge. Cost about £3,400. Order now for delivery at Christmas. The last production sold out fast. They were going for £6,000 a few weeks ago. But Christopher Ward has committed to producing as many as they can sell. I just love the chime complication. But have I fallen on love with a novelty that will soon wear off? Is it worth us? Any opinions?
  2. Thanks @GeorgeVilla82 I formed my opinion due to the words "I needed to pay AGAIN". The inference being that the repair was a paid one, not free of charge. I have no professional experience of small claims court. But my own experience is that the larger the company the less likely they are to attend. Does your company actually contest small claims where its for a minimal amount?
  3. Further to above. Check the Terms and Conditions you accepted. Obviously I don't have a copy but the following is an extract from one on the Dell Website. Dell will repair Dell Products using parts which are new, equivalent to new or reconditioned, in accordance with industry standards and practice, and which will work for at least the remainder of the applicable statutory and/or contractual Product warranty period. You will own all replacement Products and/or parts. Dell shall own any Product and/or parts that are replaced, and, if requested by Dell to do so, you must return them to Dell. This raises a question that I can't answer. Did the parts used in the repair last the remainder of the applicable statutory and/or contractual Product warranty period? You could write to Dell and ask them what parts they used and what the applicable and/or contractual Product Warranty period is for each part they used. DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ADVICE VERBATIM. Use the actual T&C wording that you signed up to.
  4. Unfortunately, I don't think you are going to get the answer you want. But I think you have been given some decent advice. @GeorgeVilla82seems a very good bet. But I think one of us has misunderstood the issue. Its my understanding that you purchased a laptop. It was fine. It lasted for a reasonable amount of time. It broke. It was repaired. You are unhappy with the repair. If my understanding is correct @GeorgeVilla82 advice doesn't fit. There was no inherent fault. But please accept my apologies if my understanding was incorrect. I would concur with the suggestion from @davkaus that you state your intention to take the claim to small claims court and do so if they refuse. But you could lose the case and incur more cost. Many large companies simply pay up because it's cheaper than getting a solicitor to even look at the case. But if they turn up you will need to provide evidence to support your cases. A general feeling that it should last longer isn't really admissible evidence. Especially if DELL provide a statement from a trained technician that states its perfectly reasonable. The big problem you have is this >> none of the people who replied know the full facts of the case. Even if we did, we are not technical experts on the equipment and repair. There is ample consumer law on the purchase of new items. But its less helpful when it's a repair on an old item. In your shoes, I would hope to get some clarification from @GeorgeVilla82on the issue above. I'd then be sending a formal letter mentioning the Small Claims Court. I hope this helps and is worth my fee. Small claims court: how to make a claim & fees involved - Money Saving Expert The small claims court is the low-hassle way to take legal action for up to £10,000 against a firm or individual in the UK. But be confident you've got a case before you start as new fees mean you'll now pay twice as much if you lose. This guide tells you how to make a claim, whether it's the best course of action, and how to max your chance of winning.
  5. There are so many similarities between this conflict and WW2. At the start I thought Ukraine would be like WW2 Poland . They put up a brave fight against a massive force but they were always doomed to failure. But then Ukraine became WW2 Finland. They gave the Russians a damn good kicking but ultimately had to give up territory because they could not sustain the fight. Then Ukraine became WW2 UK. Holding their own but unable to dislodge the enemy without help. Ironically, I think Ukraine is now becoming WW2 Russia. They took a good kicking at the start. But once they were rearmed by the US and UK they started driving the enemy back. Russia is like WW2 Germany, They are now at the stage of boasting about their wonder weapons and bombarding civilian infrastructure that has no military value. Let’s hope these similarities continue.
  6. I bet Edward Snowden is cr@ping himself. From whistle blower to cannon fodder.
  7. Jay Briscoe passed away. Car crash. It sounds awful. He was taking his daughter to cheerleading and hit another car. His daughter is critically injured. The other driver died. Her daughter is also critically injured.
  8. Jay Briscoe. US Professional Wrestler. 38. Car crash.
  9. Just an aside…….. One of the things I often read from Russian supporters is that the US and UK have ADMITTED to having armed forces operating in Ukraine at the moment. Again……it’s a grain of truth. Both the US and UK have embassies in Kyiv. All embassies include military attaches and military personnel. The UK admits to a military presence in Ukraine. Russia admits to a military presence in the UK. I
  10. I agree with you. My point was simply what you have confirmed above. There is a grain of truth amongst all the propaganda.
  11. The problem with Russian Supporters and conspiracy theorists (in general) is that there is always some truth in their information. I support Ukraine. But there was problem with neo-Nazis. Just like there is a problem in many countries. A percentage of the population did want to be Russian. The Ukrainians did shell civilian areas in Donbass. Q-Anon is another perfect example. Jeffrey Epstein was running a paedophile ring for the rich and famous. It was undoubtedly covered up by powerful people. Certain powerful people do seem to have escaped prosecution by using their power, influence, money and the inability to sweat. Its also hard to argue that the West is incredibly hypocritical. The US and UK did start the Second Gulf War based upon a complete lie that Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq were a threat. The US and UK never sanctioned Israel for their annexation of the Gollan heights. The US was willing to start WW3 if Russia sited nukes in Cuba despite having sited their own nukes in Turkey. I can understand why the average Russian thinks that the US provoked this war and Putin is actually stopping WW3 by intervening in Ukraine. I don't agree. But I can understand.
  12. Thanks for the video @magnkarl I have seen your video portrayed as the same tank in my video but shown a little earlier when it took the hit. However it got taken out, its good to see. But I have no idea if it's actually a T90m.
  13. It's not an answer but here goes. If it's in dispute, a court would decide if the repair lasted a reasonable time. That is not defined. It's based upon what the repair was, how much it cost and how you used the item. For instance, a £2000 repair to my car's suspension should last more than a week. But not if I spent that week undertaking the World Rally Championship. The law cannot define every circumstance - so it doesn't. That's why you pay people like me to give an opinion on what's reasonable in your specific circumstance after only hearing your side of the story. That's why I have a mortgage free, four bed detached house in the suburbs. But only a court can give a decision after hearing both sides of the story.
  14. If true, this is an interesting video and commentary. It's said to be a T90m which is Russia's 2nd best/most modern tank. It's said to have met with an AT4 which is a light anti tank weapon from Sweden.
  15. A perfect circle with Paris at the centre.
  16. A year ago I was very worried that this conflict could be the start of WW3. Nearly one year later and I'd say that the threat of this escalating beyond Ukraine's borders is minimal. Russia began this war with high expectations of rolling into Kyiv in days, installing a puppet government and returning home as heroes. Since their initial success its been one disaster after another. A year ago Russia had a bigger army than Ukraine, more modern equipment and surrounded Ukraine on 3 sides. Their failure to get a victory in those conditions shows just how bad its been. Putin said " Anyone who interfere with the SMO will face immediate retaliation beyond anything seen in history." NATO laughed and has been steadily meeting every Russian escalation with increasingly better weapons. At the time of writing we could be on the verge of seeing main Battle tanks arriving in Ukraine. That's an amazing step forward but there is still a hell of a lot of equipment in reserve. So where can Russia escalate next? They could fully mobilise the population. That would cripple the economy and be a dreadful defeat for Putin. Even with those increased numbers they will struggle to even put rifles in their hands and food in their belly. Let alone supply them with night vision, air support, secure electronics and all the other things that stop them being cannon fodder. As I have explained on here before, there are no such things as battlefield nukes. They are just small nukes used against military targets without devastating huge areas. Attacking Ukraine's military with nukes is pointless when they are so close to Russia. As long as NATO holds firm with its support, Russia hasn't got a chance in the long term. Every day that goes by the Russian economy is weakening at the same time as being in an arms race with the world's richest countries. NATO is bigger and stronger than ever and surrounds Russia on 3 sides. The only way out of this is Putin's death. He can then be portrayed as the madman who caused all of this and take the subsequent blame. I think there is a year or 2 of this war left to fight. But I feel it could have been much, much worse.
  17. Surely a group of WWE people will get together and start a new company. There's plenty of experience and money to make it happen.
  18. Ukraine wants the Leopard tank. It’s got one huge advantage over British and French tanks. It’s already in use by the Polish Army. This means that Poland already has all the associated spare parts, trained mechanics and equipment that is necessary to keep them going. Poland will assist, but not if it means Germany revoke the export licence and thereby remove the supply of spare parts, ammunition and expertise. It’s also likely that dozens of the foreign fighter in Ukraine have already been trained on the Leopard.
  19. Income from oil sales dropping steadily for Russia. It’s even selling below the West’s cap level.
  20. The venue has cancelled the event and returned the booking fee. Galloway is mouthing off about suing them for his expenses. He is literally threatening to a church with legal action.
  21. The US is training 500 Ukrainians PER MONTH to operate the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. It has a crew of 3. Even if you say its 10 crew per vehicle to allow for time away from the fighting - that still indicates a lot of hardware heading into Ukraine every month.
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