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Everything posted by mrbojangles

  1. well cheesed off. I buy the new kit every year and will not be wasting my money this year very dissapointed with the club and Nike.
  2. still sat at work but a little excited about this weekend. Indian tonight, Horse racing to watch tomoz after work. Grand Prix on Sunday. Perfect
  3. what about going for a job in a suit shop like Moss and wearing jeans and a t shirt. Just say I havent got a suit but when I get the job I will get one and use my staff discount.
  4. quality, just had to google philatelist first though to appreciate the comment
  5. I used to work at a place where any applications that had a second class stamp on the front were binned. There was so many applications. My point at the time was what about the people who wouldnt even fork out on a stamp and hand delivered it. . . . Apparentley that was acceptable.
  6. good advice and always helps to research the company a little, it shows you are interested and have taken the initiative to find out a little more about them and what they do, how many outlets they have etc etc
  7. That would be mayhem on match days with all them stalls no where to que. Looks like a bloody market. Dont think them flood lights would be very useful where they are as well!!!
  8. I got a Ricky Gervais DVD for my birthday - Is that useless trivia?
  9. good news . . Im on Dragons den next week. Ive invented a land mine that looks like a prayer mat. . . . I reckon prophets will go through the roof!!!
  10. If Villa win tonight my footy bet from the weekend wins, cost £1 pick up £50. If im being honest though think we will draw but I can always hope. Dont usually put Villa in as they usually let me down when I do
  11. happy days, cant complain really. WELCOME FRENCHY!!!
  12. ive said yes but to be honest will prob be a big group of us and only cost a quid each and turn it into a poker evening as well. Also have a few bets at the bookies on the smaller fights
  13. give him a chance ffs. Hes not even at the door and already getting stick. Im happy we have someone in place and can move on. Granted the guy is not without his flaws but no one is. Why cant people be happy that we have someone in place. Might settle the players down and get back to some sort of consistency and normality again. I will reserve judgement but as mentioned just happy we have got the manager farce resolved.
  14. My wifes star sign was Cancer and its quite ironic how she died really She was attacked by a giant crab
  15. wouldnt have thought so, K Mac has done i good job with the reserves im pretty sure everyone on here appreciates the guy and understands that he has been thrown in at the deep end.
  16. right a new task for tomoz morning
  17. I have never done that, usually just hang em up to dry and straight in the draw
  18. Surely getting the right person in is an urgent matter though. I dont like moaning but we seem lost as a club, no manager (even K Mac it seems is not sure whether he would want the job) and the inability to strengthen places which seem clear to the majority of Villa fans (a striker). I think we just need to hear something from th club and have some reasurrance that you are trying all you can to get us the right man for the job and that it will be done sooner rather than later. Also as somene else has mentioned will the money we recieved from the Milner deal be reinvested in the club/team? As you can appreciate football is a passionate game and people spend a lot of money on their teams colours, travelling to games etc etc. We have players earning more in 1 week than what I earn in 4 years and judging by yesterdays performance they could not care less about the fans or club. Cheers General UTV
  19. Nice post apart from the last sentance :evil:
  20. good read, some good points, however we surely could not turn ireland down, even if a new manager comes in and dosent like him (highly unlikely) we are not going to lose much money if any if we sell him on. Oh and there is a spelling mistake in the last sentance, should read then not the
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