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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. Dear Mr Warburton, I prefer my misogyny on bread or in a pitta. Baps and rolls are just so 90s. Anyone got any more Brie?!
  2. If Vince McMahon is a substitute for Randy then can someone please suplex him through a table. Back in my childhood.
  3. Is Zog the cause of all of our problems? That's it: this is a master stroke. Top-four form from now on. Would love it if his toxic presence was such an issue. Glad to see the back of him if true: he's a waste of skin at the moment. i have an issue though: we can't plough his wages into any other players at this stage. It's actually a sign of intent on Sunderland's part: taking a punt on a mercurial talent who everyone knows is overpaid but has some talent in his locker when he can be bothered. It's a risk but they're actually trying! We're just getting our books 'in order'.
  4. I don't go in for Stan-related content very often, but thought this might be of interest. Sorry if this has already been linked.
  5. I've run out of likes: If we do sign someone I've had it. No much chance of that. The fact that the likes jar is empty underlines the level of wit, Brie-related goodness and general buffoonery that the 'transfer speculation' thread has become. Well done ladies and gentlemen, well done.
  6. May i say that thank you Randy Lerner for making this such a poop transfer window. I have been introduced to a wonderful, alluring, world of gifs of women named after cheeses. I would say this is a tad off topic but, hey, tell us more about this 8 Series? Best purchase of the transfer window...only purchase of the window.
  7. Let's do this. For what it's worth.
  8. This. The club is a toy that is sitting under the bed getting dusty. Meanwhile, the owner has moved on. Cut your losses and give us away you arsehole...leave and take your toxic atmosphere with you. So many managers, some of whom have made errors, have come and gone. It's how this place is being managed currently - at the very top. Stop hurting us. Okay, some posters are saying about the finances and the inflated fees in January. But it's the feeling that pervades the club now that is problematic. Stop being sucked in, please: this must be one of the worst run businesses in the UK. I'm done now.
  9. That signature of yours looks suspiciously like a football-related issue. No deal. We only want you if you can count down to zero and you're handy with some scissors. Cut cut cut.
  10. The stench coming from this thread, and the club for that matter, is mind blowing. Can someone shut it down? The thread I mean...not the clu... Wait a minute...
  11. Remi: get out now. Leave. Whatever you think about his disappointing results, the board have stitched him up. He's being a consummate professional but his credibility is going to go soon. We need a statement from the club: I don't want the club to go to the dogs financially, but come on, we've come out of this looking like a joke. Surely the board can't think that the media and fans will say 'what a plucky club' for setting up like this. I live down the road from Chasetown FC and they're run far better than us. Non-league acumen.
  12. This. He's out of ideas and going through the motions. It's not leadership: it's just existence and a pretty crappy one at that.
  13. Didn't someone say he had the same agent with Adama or another player we signed? I wonder if the transfer committee, or whatever their name is, decided that big agents' fees were the devil this summer? Maybe we got Crespo as some sort of buy-one-get-one-free deal with an agent? This guy was clearly not a diamond in the rough. Always seemed like a lovely chap in his brief website interviews but, frankly, he had no idea why he was here.
  14. Her dad, Len, looks like the quiet sort who would nut Zog given half the chance.
  15. DDiD: don't blame you. I totally understand the quandary: you support the team wearing the shirt. Lerner should not confuse this with support for his shocking running of affairs atm.
  16. StanBalaban where art thou?! I don't know about you all, but these gifs are really making this an enjoyable end to the transfer window. Not the one I expected but, you know, silver linings.
  17. It's not a matter of forgetting or not forgetting: we are living with it.
  18. And he still moves more than Rudy. Its either this Doumbia fellow or I have one other alternative: Please bring back Tony Yeboah!
  19. It's amazing doing something that isn't depressing on a Saturday, isn't it? I took the dog out before the game: schoolboy error.
  20. Garde tries to play the squad game but these players have no confidence. The Wycombe replay was an excellent case in point. I rate him but the circumstances in which he finds himself are not favourable. One thing I will say for the board,they do a bang-up job of gagging former managers so the most juicy bits of behind-the-scenes remain hidden. I can only imagine what Garde is dealing with - but I can only imagine what he was told before signing.
  21. Your collection is awe-inspiring. I stopped reading after the word 'licking'.
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