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Everything posted by GeordieVillan

  1. Nice question. Does he definitely want the job? You could make your question even more spicy by adding that if we also win in the cup tomorrow , so 2 wins on the bounce, would you keep him in charge? I don't think he's got enough about him to be the main man, and thats why he's not a contender - regardless of the next couple of results.
  2. Yorke did raise agood point though. Not saying I want him but he said whats the point of young coaches like him doing their badges when no-one will give them an opportunity. I would not oppose any ex-villians coming in as coaches as at least I know they care about the club. Hopefully one day see Laursen in the club in some capacity Lower leagues are there for him to prove his managerial abilities. This. Yorke made a choice (the correct one to be fair) to go to Man Utd and win trophies. However, he forced a move and treated the club with disrespect. I'll never forget how he played in that game at Everton before he left. He now has to live with the consequences - he is not loved by Villa fans. If Yorke had stayed with us, he would be held in the same regard as Matt Le Tissier by Southampton fans, and I have no doubt people would love him to be manager. Contrast that with Gareth Southgate, he left because he saw the club had reached a plateau and weren't going anywhere, and he was right, but he made the questionable decision of gambling on Middlesborough being the next big thing. However, the way he played and behaved during the season when he was on the transfer list and wanted to leave, was incredible. I will always hold him in the highest regard. I'm not saying I want him as manager right now, I'm just saying that if he demonstrated his credentials then I would welcome him.
  3. Oh yeah because he has a great record. Surely not! This is Sky wanting people to throw money at Skybet. Have the odds lengthened on Garde with the emergence of Poyet? I suspect not, its just garbage to sucker people in.
  4. What do you mean 'we are a lot less patient'? GeordieVillan OUT! "You don't know what you're typing.....you don't know what you're typing...." I'm not saying we should have stuck with Sherwood, I think the board made the decision at the right time. I just think that even before this season started, there were some fans calling for his head, and that there was general lack of patience even after the 3rd or 4th game to give him some time. Maybe that patience was borne out by people seeing much quicker than I did that Sherwood just didn't know what he was doing - I honestly thought he would turn it around. My question was more about the attitude of the fans - if the board appoints someone that most of the fans want (or it seems that way anyway), and it turns out to be a disastrous appointment, then can we as fans really turn on the board and say they have got it horribly wrong again?? It would be a bit hypocritical?
  5. I actually think he's showed some improvement in the short time he's been with us. His hold up play seemed much better against Swansea, and he won alot more of the long balls that were thumped forward to him. Again though, we havn't given him any decent service at all. Did anyone see Milner's cross for Benteke yesterday? That wasn't a cross getting to the by-line, it was from in line with the penalty box. For me, dropping Amavi was bizarre as he was the only one who can cross from Gestede. Aside from the assist against Liverpool, Hutton's delivery has been shocking.
  6. Hypothetically, given that 75-80% of us on this forum seem to be happy with the appointment of Garde - if it doesn't work out - are we all going to give the board a pat on the back and say "well they tried their best and appointed a guy that we all thought was a good choice, so its not their fault", or will we turn on the board and blame them for making another terrible choice.... My recollection of Lambert is that most were happy with the appointment, and the only criticism of the board was that they stuck with him too long when things just weren't working out, but I think the mood of the fans has changed since then, and we are alot less patient with managers now.
  7. It will be interesting to see what a new manager makes of our squad and who makes it into our starting 11. This is true for Richards in that I would imagine a new manager will shift him straight to right back, and we won't see much of Hutton or Bacuna after that. Unless of course Richards somehow has a contractual clause stating he must play centreback if fit, which would just be mental.
  8. To be honest - that is entirely plausible. If we do employ him and he is successful, I'm sure we would be a stepping stone to better things for him. But I'd be quite happy with that, as it means we've at least been successful for a period of time! That is going to be the case for any managers or players we recruit, unless we have Ian Taylor as manager and 11 Ian Taylors on the pitch!
  9. While it's quite clear that the quicker we can get someone in place the better, you can't rush appointments this important. You've got to get the right person first of all (and we'd all hope work on a shortlist of potentially right people has been going on for some time), then you've got to get all the terms agreed. That's not as simple as just throw more money at them to sign quickly (which wouldn't be a great way to run a business), but what they will and won't be in control of as well as clauses in case it doesn't work out. It shouldn't take 2 to 3 weeks but if we go in to next weekends game with KMc in charge because we're getting it right, that's better than appointing the wrong man quickly. Yeah but what I'm saying is - if they know its going to be Garde, then they should get him in asap, every single day, points and game is crucial now. The only reason for delay is if they are speaking to other candidates.
  10. If it is going to be Garde, then I hope we get him in immediately i.e. today or tomorrow. If he can have a positive impact and inspire the players tomorrow night (Sherwood v Leicester style dare I say it), it will be a massive boost before Monday. We need a win to stop the rot, even if its in the cup. It would be classic Villa to dick-around now for 2-3 weeks before appointing the man they want, and in that time we slip further behind. We need to give new manager a chance to work with the players for a few days at least before a massive game at Spurs...
  11. Honestly don't know how we will lineup for this, but if I remember KMac's brief stint 5 years ago, he played people in their proper positions and we went out to win the game (with varying degrees of success). My guess.... Guzan Hutton Richards Lescott Amavi Bacuna Gana Westwood Grealish Gestede Gabby If was my choice..... Guzan Hutton Richards Clark Amavi Traore Gana Sanchez Grealish Gestede Ayew I don't think Grealish is doing enough in a free role, so lets play him on the left hand side and allow him the freedom to cut inside as much as he wants. Unfortunately I think we could get a hiding here - 3-0 or 4-0 wouldn't be a shock.
  12. i would definitely say bournemouth are down with losing the players they have through injury, but who joins them i dont know. personally i think we will still be in the bottom three by new year. I think based on our current predicament we would accept that if it meant we were within touching distance of the teams above us i.e. within 3 points. Most people fear we won't just be in the bottom 3 come the New Year, but we may be 3 or more wins adrift of safety.
  13. You've fallen for Tim's bullshit there buddy. Absolutely no chance that was the case. In fact, he commented on most of our signings before they happened and took full responsibility for all of them before the season started. Let's wait and see what the squad is actually made of before we go sacking anyone else. This. As much as I wanted Tim to succeed, are we suggesting that if all these guys had hit the ground running and we were top of the league, that Tim would have come out and said "I only coach the players and pick the team, I had no say over the signing, so I'd like thank the board and Paddy for bringing them all in".
  14. Me too sadly. Me three. On paper it looked like a very clever appointment that gave the club a decent structure for the first time in a while. This thread should probably be moved as well!
  15. You would assume that in the last few weeks the club have been preparing for the fact they may have to find a new manager, and that there is a very clear shortlist of candidates already. You would also speculate that at least informal discussions have been held through middle men / back channels to assess if people might be interested. To think otherwise is probably naive in football, business etc. To that end, anyone who we speak to is most probably interested in the job, and would more than likely accept it if offered to them. I would be very surprised if we officially speak to more than a couple of people - as I don't think the club wants another OGS fiasco. Its possible the club will only speak to Garde because they already know he is the one and he is prepared to takeover this week. I don't really know much about him, but he comes with a good reputation and we've tried the young British manager route and it hasn't worked for us, so why not.
  16. Remi Garde turned down Newcastle, and they then went for McLaren.
  17. The squads ceiling is 15th. It is truly awful I reserve judgement until the new manager has had 6-10 games. By then we should know if have a decent team in this squad, and if we have a chance of staying up. I would say this squad's ceiling is probably 10th, but realistically it could finish 15th-17th.
  18. Monk would be like a fish out of water here Yes and you were certainly quick enough to do it. I hope the new manager, whoever it is, is given more time that what sherwood was to manage our football club, even if he has to start again next season in the championship, which seems very probable. Like when Sherwood arrived, I suspect the new manager has a bit of a free hit. If we are relegated by 5 points or less, then people will most likely blame this on Sherwood's start to the season. So regardless, I expect the new manager will be give time, and the chance to get us back up, if we are relegated. I wonder what would have happened in the parallel world where last season Sherwood didn't keep us up, and we went down following his appointment. I suspect he would have been given the chance to get us back up from the Championship, and who knows how that would have gone. Either way, he would probably still have the job now!
  19. Theyalways beat Newcastle The game turned on a sending off and penalty. Sunderland barely had a kick before then, and even since then Newcastle have dominated the game. No chance of Newcastle going down this year - they look a very decent team.
  20. All those who are saying our squad is crap, aren't considering the squads of the teams around us. Its very easy to cherry pick players from other squads and say they would walk into our team, but the fact is that we need a manager to gel our team together and then we can assess how good they really are. On the one hand people are slagging off Sherwood and saying that his management has affected the performances of the players, and on the other hand people are saying the squad isn't good enough anyway. I think we are desperately lacking a centre forward based on what we have seen so far this season, but a new manager may be able to find a formula. e.g. Gestede and Ayew as pair which gets us goals. I think our squad is good enough for mid-table, and I refuse to believe it isn't good enough to finish 17th.
  21. Really? I find it very easy to comprehend, although it hasn't happened in the memorable part of my lifetime. Quantum physics it isn't. We need to win not far off half of our remaining games. Assuming we lose the next two, which given the fixtures seems fairly guaranteed, it will be very close indeed to winning 50% of our remaining games. We just aren't going to do that. As you've noted, our survival at this point would be unprecedented. This is precisely why I've been calling for Sherwood's head for several weeks. We may now have reached a point where the club feel they have to sack him, but it's almost certainly too late at this point. Dont' agree with this. Our points haul is pathetic so far this season, but we are still only 2 games adrift of 17th. I havn't checked the stats, but I would imagine that these other teams with 4 points would have been further adrift, and certainly wouldn't have a squad with the potential of ours. If we can stay within 3 wins of safety by the time we get to Watford, that then becomes a must win game under the new manager. If we win that, then hopefully we are within 2-3 wins of safety by the time we get to the Newcastle game and we have our more winnable fixtures. If we get to the turn of the year and we are still 2-3 wins from safety, then yes - I will start to think we are doomed. At this stage, there is still plenty of time.
  22. This is true. But I suspect a new manager will either start to play someone up front who is more mobile that Gestede (Gabby or Ayew), or play one of these 2 alongside Gestede. Its almost certain we will be buying a new striker in January, regardless of who the new manager is.
  23. A squad which contains starters such as Agbonlahor, Richardson, Lescott, Gestede and Bacuna. We don't I didn't say we have an amazing squad. I said its a half decent squad. If we get our best 11 players on the pitch in a system that actually works, we should be mid-table, safe at least.
  24. I think you'll find you can argue with his record. His history is of bankrupting clubs and buying as many players as possible in the hope some of them work out. Over rated manager and would relegate us easily. He didn't bankrupt Spurs? He worked under Levy who hardly allows managers and free reign, and turned into a very good team. He even managed to do it when their best players were getting sold.A few years ago I never would have considered this, but I reckon he could do a job for us. I don't the board would go for him anyway. Moyes has to be first choice. Well done to him on not bankrupting Spurs. Maybe we should ask Southampton, Portsmouth and QPR fans what they think. As much as I dislike Harry Redknapp as a personality, you can't argue with his record. He has a history of putting together entertaining and effective teams. He's a realistic appointment, and would probably do a decent job. Too far north, and after the shit he always gets at VP, including having stuff thrown at him (a coin that hit the linesman a few years ago?), I can't see him taking the job. We are going off topic here - but who's responsibility is it to manage the club's finances? The manager or the board? We have been on a tight budget for years since MON because we've signed players and given them crazy contracts - is that the manager's fault or the board for allowing it to happen?
  25. There's still plenty of time, and we actually have a half decent squad. We just need a manager who can get them organised and cut out the stupid mistakes. I suspect any new manager will move Micah Richards to right back immediately, assuming we have other centre-backs fit.
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