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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. I would have preferred a draw. But those Spurs fans don't deserve a carrot.
  2. As much as I am enjoying Stranger Things, I have to say, them "Nose Bleeds do start to annoy after a bit.
  3. I love them for the Apple and, preferably, fresh cream.
  4. Say what you want about the Liverpool fans, but they applauded, to a man, the half - time tribute to all the "Villans" lost this season.
  5. You have to admire Watkins refused to take it further than necessary. He realises Bailey is just caught up in the moment, passionately!
  6. Has to be. Sheffield United at VP under Smith in the Championship.
  7. Be honest, all were shaking their head as Chambers came on. I know I was.
  8. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if you actually posted one with Emery taking a piss.
  9. I thought our "Energy and Desire" could have been better. Oh Yeah! I nearly forgot. We have to show more fight!! Aside from that, I thought we were brilliant!!!
  10. Diaby never gives you that sense of confidence in situations like the miss.
  11. Watkins daughter looking absolutely pissed that he's still stuck on "19".
  12. John Fury is the perfect example of the embittered father who's only success has come vicariously through his Son.
  13. Apparently, he monoplizes the "Bouncy Castle".
  14. I forgot about the Cuban. Put a stain on a stellar career by looking for a pretext from the opening bell.
  15. It shouldn't be in our DNA to expect "Favours." I was quite crestfallen after the defeat to the Bubble and Squeaks last week, but, as some wise man once said, "It's from adversity that you learn your best lessons." We are only going in one direction with this manager, that's enough to lift one out of the doldrums. It would be great to seal CL qualification tonight and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if we did, such is the mentality this manager has instilled in these players. We still have some way to go, but, just like with Saunders, you sense that determination to reach the destination. Come on me Babbys!!!
  16. What he did to Walters was something extraordinary. Never have I before, seen a fighter just sit on his stool and virtually say, " This is a fecking exercise in futility." I thought Gary Russell was really something special until he fought Lomo. That was an absolute masterclass in how to nullify "Speed." It's just a shame he had to go up in a weight class he just never had the body for. Let's not forget, he was robbed blindly in that first World title fight.
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