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Everything posted by LancsVillan

  1. so do a lot of people it seems and I can never fathom out why they all get tarred with the same bruch.......
  2. well to be honest that's close enough for anyone ;-)
  3. well I forgot I won entry to the next level of a turbo comp on Ladbrokes last week so I know what you mean. Will be picking AJ up in 40mins and off for some golf with him
  4. why go back The Open is on am in Aston tomorrow, won't get chance to go to the ground though
  5. and PB who is the only Mod I've met, which sort of goes against the clique theory too
  6. well if you saw blandy at the bar in the Leisure Centre I would have been the one in front of him -paying reason I know that is because is if he was in front of me you wouldn't have seen the skinny thing......... oops missed IanR too - need to change my vote now
  7. oh and I'm in IT too but obviously not the techie side if yuo read my requests for help
  8. you work at bae - you're half way there ;-)
  9. bugger how did I miss AJ off mylist that'll cost me
  10. made me chuckle oh the English language
  11. lets think blandy - risso - Jon - bickster - The Fear - Paulobarnesi for sure plus a couple of others at the VFC things I'm sure
  12. Five cannibals get appointed as programmers in an IT company. During the welcoming ceremony the boss says: "You're all part of our team now. You can earn good money here, and you can go to the company canteen for s something to eat. So don't trouble the other employees." The cannibals promise not to trouble the other employees. Four weeks later the boss returns and says: "You're all working very hard, and I'm very satisfied with all of you. One of our cleaners has disappeared however. Do any of you know what happened to her?" The cannibals disavow all knowledge of the missing cleaner. After the boss has left, the leader of the cannibals says to the others: "Which of you idiots ate the cleaner?" A hand raises hesitantly, to which the leader of the cannibals says: "You fool! For four weeks we've been eating Team Leaders, Managers, and Project Managers so no-one would notice anything, and you have to go and eat the cleaner!"
  13. let me guess Everton and Villa maybe Spurs and Villa
  14. Andy Gray said that on the 1st didn't he?
  15. your opinion, mine is that he isn't like the bit about Rod Hull as that is so true
  16. We don't spend much money at the best of times. Is it worth risking £5 million on a player that might not settle in england and might not suit the style of play? tell you what risking a FREE TRANSFER is, Javier Saviola has been given a freebie by Barca. And I would prefer him. Oh and I voted NO
  17. I've just read that saviola is actually available on a FREE TRANSFER sorry but anyone who wants Bellamy over him is stark raving mad
  18. each to their own ;-) and he is still German ;-)
  19. comes under 'other greats' as does Andretti in my eyes but I'm glad my dad won't read it as he one we do argue over.....
  20. Bri was brought up by my dad eulogising over Clark and Fangio, then Moss, Hill, Peterson, Fittipaldi and other 'greats' but my dad reckons (and he was watching the British GP before the WAR!! on Pathe or LIVE) that only Senna of the 'modern' era was a sufficiently good driver to have lived with those of the 50's and 60's, as only he had the pure drive and naked ambition to push himself and the car beyond what they should achieve. I'm with my dad on this one.
  21. well use google and find a definition then bicks and Iain, he used to be a really great driver and yes I thought he could (and quite possibly would) have become a true great but then the safety aspects and money took over. Ferrari were able to pour literally millions down the drain to regaing the title (hmm see where the ManU thing comes in) when the opposition were never likely to be in the same position. Look at the season Irvine would have won the title, did Cobblers help him NO. Then when Barrichello is doing better than him does he help NO. True greats would not only be winning themselves but also helping their team-mates should they be able to. And don't even start me on the cheating.... and FIA / Stewards help
  22. I'll second that! Think he is a bloody cheat! and German........ oops is that racist?
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