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Made In Aston

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Everything posted by Made In Aston

  1. Are we really having this discussion after 10 games?!
  2. He made wholesale changes at WBA in his first season with approximately 12 arriving and 20 departing. Think that would be classed as building a team from the ground up!
  3. I read a stat the other day that stated McCormack has created more chances and made more key passes than any other player in the division. Looks like he is pretty effective in the position be is being played,regardless of what some people seem to think on here.
  4. I think RDM did get his tactics wrong against Brentford in the second half. However, in his defence, we don't really have much strength in depth, so he is very limited in terms of what he can do with substitutes to influence the game mid - match.
  5. This is utter bollocks! If it was so easy why has Villa created the most chances in the division?! The problems are silly errors and not being ruthless in front of goal.
  6. From what I heard on the radio his injury is quite bad. He tried to come back on but couldn't put any weight on his leg. Sounds like it could be knee ligament damage. Hope I'm wrong.
  7. Yes he will. Tony plans to throw RDM on the bonfire if results don't improve.
  8. I think it's really pathetic that some people are moaning that we are spending money. The last 5 years we have not spent enough and ended up getting relegated. Now we spend money to help us get promoted and certain people aren't happy. If we hardly spent anything this summer then I bet they would be unhappy as well. Can't win!
  9. Sounds like Adomah has been told he won't play for boro again so will come to us as last resort unless he gets a better offer elsewhere before the deadline. Not really the kind of attitude we want but we're desperate for attacking options so beggars can't be choosers.
  10. It's good that Tony is being proactive, but I think he is in danger of treading on other people's toes and undermining their jobs. I've worked with people who try to get involved with everything and all it does is annoy the staff and causes them to look for another job due to being micro-managed. If this project is going to be a success then he needs to let people do the jobs they are hired to do and trust their judgement. Scouting players then vetoing the move because he doesn't like the look of them is clearly overstepping boundaries. If this behaviour carries on I think it is not going to end well for Villa.
  11. We were linked with Luis Alberto of Liverpool earlier in the window. He is an AM /winger.
  12. Apart from the odd crazy twitter post I can't knock Uncle Tony's approach. He has a clear, thought out business strategy for improving the club home and abroad, whilst employing people who are experienced in making that vision a reality. He had also committed significant finances to improving the team and back office processes. Who knows what might happen in the future, but we can only judge him on his approach so far... and so far so good!
  13. I think it's a bit harsh to criticise Valencia's goal scoring record at West Ham as he was played out wide most of the time. The few times I have seen him (mainly for Ecuador) he has looked decent in a central role.
  14. If you notice there is usually an advert before the main video. All about maximising revenue rather than narcissistic tendencies.
  15. You are right, the Hernandez deal will hinge on whether they can bring adequate replacements. This is why the Doc said it will probably be the last deal we do.
  16. Just seen this article. Hull currently have very little money for transfers due to being in limbo with their takeover. Selling Hernandez for big money will allow them to bring in more players. Interestingly Hull have been linked with a few strikers, which suggests that they may be preparing for life without Hernandez.
  17. It's Hernandez with Wells as backup. Originally Uncle Tony said Hernandez doesn't have a release clause and Hull don't have a manager so is difficult. How would be know this unless enquiries had been made?! Then he said the #9 would be the hardest deal to do and might be late in the window before it comes off. This ties in with the situation at Hull as they wait for the manager situation to be resolved. Dr T then said they were after a pacey international striker. Again this points to Hernandez. Seems the logical choice given the scraps of info we have.
  18. Bas Dost would be a major coup for us. But I suspect there are bigger clubs than ours after him unfortunately.
  19. It's not going to be Mariano... http://en.as.com/en/2016/08/20/football/1471697556_159273.html
  20. No offence Omar but your ITK about the proposed villa takeover a year ago was well off so I will take your comment with a large handful of salt.
  21. He doesn't appear to be injured either, so he has either done something very dumb again or is on the move.
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