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Posts posted by a-k

  1. 22 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Yes... Yes... This is exactly what I'm going 🙄.

    I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually ffs. 🤦🏿‍♂️

    Then why use the date of Oct 7 in your argument? Like you said, history also didn't begin in 2005, or 1967, or 1948. No need to be condescending, not everyone jumped into this conflict three weeks ago.

  2. 2 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    History never began on October 7th... It's bizarre to me how people keep blanking the blatantly obvious for convenience of the narrative 

    These numbers will be much juicier by the end of this. As the Egyptian commentator/comedian said on Piers Morgan:

    " What's the going exchange rate for Palestinian lives this year? "

    " Hamas does not exist in the West Bank for example, so why are they being murdered over there too? "

    Some of the things I see people regurgitating are literally narrative's from the likes.of Fox News and biased media.

    I suggest people who don't know the depths and scale of this do some individual research, and some unbiased AND biased ( to the other side ) news.

    It's bizarre to me how people can find any rationale for what Hamas did.

    Are you suggesting that I have no knowledge of the conflict? I don't think I have said anything on this thread that hasn't been objective. In fact, when I gave a history lesson in response to another post, no one further replied to it because it's not what they wanted to hear.

  3. 2 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    It’s a different separate independent state. Would you expect the border with Syria, Lebanon or Jordan to be open and fluid?

    Egypt was attacked by rockets from ISIS in that 2018 anrticle and re established the buffer zone security? What’s your point? That Egypt should take in 2.2 million Palestinian refugees and leave a nice bit of coast free for Israeli settlers?

    Explain it to me, why is this Hamas / Israel war only half the story? Should other nations just find the Palestinians a new country?


    @magnkarl basically answered this for me. Who puts up a buffer zone if they're not concerned about their own safety? 

  4. 2 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    Why don’t the people of Sinai just rise up against Egypt?

    Nobody has forgotten this happens elsewhere, all across the planet. Its just not quite the right time for international whataboutism.

    You completely circumvented the point. It was not about a Sinai uprising against Egypt, it was that people seem to conveniently ignore that Egypt also has their own blockade and buffer zone on Gaza.

  5. 1 hour ago, chrisp65 said:

    The people in Gaza are trapped there by Hamas and Israel. If every last Hamas with a gun was killed last night Israel ain’t letting the families walk out of Gaza and in to Israel. Hamas didn’t create the refugee camps, or build walls, fences and security zones they are a predicate bel and planned reaction to it.

    This is only half the truth. As unfortunate as it is and as harsh as it sounds, other countries feel the same way too. People seem to forget that Egypt evicted 70,000 people to create a buffer zone (https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/05/22/egypt-army-intensifies-sinai-home-demolitions).

  6. 19 minutes ago, Mic09 said:

    Why does any uprising happen? 

    A group who are/believe to be persecuted and imprisoned start an uprising.

    They know they are outnumbered and know the punishment will be severe. 

    A terrorist organization slaughtering 1000 innocent civilians in cold-blood in not an uprising. Citizens of Gaza are just as imprisoned by Hamas-, why not an uprising against them? 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Chindie said:

    I would imagine living and working in a society where you are literally a second class citizen you keep your head down.

    In what world are they second class citizens? They hold equal rights and are fully integrated into society. Never mind the fact they enjoy more freedom of life choices in Israel than they would in Gaza or the West Bank...

    • Haha 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    I guess the big worry is this extends into an all out war of religion, at the moment it’s based largely on territory with a subtext of the two rival religions. If Israel do commence a ground invasion the numbers of dead Palestinians will be horrifyingly high, it will almost certain be tantamount to ethnic cleansing and if that spurs on the wider Muslim community both within the Middle East and beyond it could become highly volatile, not just for Israel but perhaps also for the likes of Saudi Arabia who just want things to quieten down so they can continue making obscene amounts of money.

    Unless Hamas transfer all the remaining hostages back to Israel now and Israel agree to cease hostilities there’s just no end in sight on this. Israel have more than made their point in terms of retaliation.

    Actually, this has nothing to do with religion. Hamas do not represent the average Muslim and Israelis are typically more secular than the average person in the UK.

  9. 11 hours ago, Chindie said:

    The UN agency that works in Gaza, which coincidentally Israel keeps killing employees of, has asked for fuel to be sent to Gaza. Israel's response? Ask Hamas for some.

    They're a deeply unlikeable country.


    10 hours ago, Panto_Villan said:

    To be fair, that’s not the whole story in the first case - the UN accused Hamas of stealing fuel and medical supplies from them about a week back, so I can see why Israel might be reluctant to allow them more.

    Of course, the UN agency did then walk that accusation back afterwards. But they’re clearly incentivised to do so given that they probably wouldn’t get any more supplies if they didn’t. So I’m not sure what actually happened but I don’t think it’s as clear cut as you make out.

    Apparently, images of fuel being "held hostage" by Hamas


  10. 8 hours ago, Chine said:

    Getting old or going round the twist ? I took our ring doorbell into the kitchen to charge it up yesterday , I charge it camera side down so it doesn’t keep alerting me with its little jingle that someone has been detected, it had been charging for a few hours so I turned it over to check on its progress. My phone was on the dining room table and started its person detection jingle , I proceeded to put down the doorbell and go and open the front door ,I looked up and down the road and no one in sight , I came back into the kitchen puzzled as to why it went off , then I realised 

    Power went out a few weeks ago. Had been casting our UECL game from my iPad to the TV and battery was draining. Thought, well I've got no internet, no phone signal (was on roaming, wifi only), etc., might as well charge up my iPad for the second half. My iPad is wonky and sometimes it doesn't charge with certain cables or USB bases. Playing around with the cables for a good minute or two before I realized why no charge was going through.

    • Haha 2
  11. 7 hours ago, BOF said:

    I'm mulling 2 routes at the moment.

    Turning Mbeumo (che WES liv ARS) into Mitoma (FUL eve SHE not)


    Turning Maddison & Mbeumo into Saka (SHE new BUR bre WOL lut) and either Gordon or Palmer.

    I'm currently leaning towards the latter as it's more fun.

    It also means I'll own Haaland, Salah, Son, Trippier, Saka & Watkins #homerdrool

    Last season, Mbuemo scored against MAN LIV che WHU tot (x2)

  12. 34 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    So much propaganda being espoused in this thread, I’ve given up posting as it’s become a bunfight over who’s the most wrong.

    Do your own research on the history of what’s happened out there since 1948 and not since three weekends ago and formulate your own opinion, is my best ‘advice’.

    Why the cut-off date of 1948? Many things relevant to the current conflict happened in the 50ish years prior and are just as important but seemingly neglected.

  13. 1 hour ago, sne said:

    Fwiw Israel still has capitol punishment for "crimes against the Jewish people during wartime" and they've not been shy at torturing prisoners according reports. So it's likely torture and death the Hamas terrorists would be surrendering to.

    They did it to hundreds of innocent civilians, it's the least Hamas would deserve

  14. 2 hours ago, Mr_Dogg said:

    They want Hamas to surrender what? Everything? Give up their cause and hand themselves over? Do you think the people of Palestine want that? 

    Their cause is to rid not just Israel but the entire earth of all Jews. I'd say that's a pretty good cause to want to have given up.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 20 minutes ago, Pongo Waring said:

    Isn't what this war is about tho, 


    Israel freeing palestine(Gaza) from the terrorists Hamas?... You don't just expect someone to do a sudden terrorist attack on someone's soil, killing Americans, Europeans and British citizens and all these country turning around "it's okay we will let you off this time" ?

    Let's not forget that around 3/4s of the land in the original British Mandate was separated and given to what is now Jordan.

    Don't hear anyone shouting "Free Palestine from Jordan"

    • Like 3
  16. 1 hour ago, bickster said:

    I'm absolutely not. Neither of the statements in that tweet are particularly an accurate reflection of the situation as it unfolded. The problem is he’s making a statement as seen through his own lens and not making an objective judgement based on the wider picture.

    Bullshit like that is part of the problem, whichever side is doing it. As Hen Mazzig is an Israeli Zionist, it’s hardly an impartial viewpoint. It’s an extremely slanted opinion and best ignored

    So? That doesn't make it incorrect. Even people in this thread questioned for days some of the atrocities that some of the Hamas terrorists committed saying "we need proof, it needs to be checked" but were very quick to instantly show anger at "500 deaths caused by Israeli airstrike"

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