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Posts posted by a-k

  1. I'm worried about Libor.

    I know it was a bad break, but it's 8 months now and according to Lambert he is behind Tekkers in his rehab.

    Tekkers is only 'jogging' and doing a bit of ball work, so I reckon it's at least 6-8 weeks before he'll even be on the bench. That puts Kozak at least another month behind that I reckon.

    I just hope there isn't more to it and he doesn't end up like Luc NIlis.


    A broken leg is very different from a ruptured Achilles. I'd say on average the return from an Achilles is 6 months, and that's on the quick side. I don't know the extent of Libor's injury, whether it was both the tibia and fibula, whether it was compound or not, etc. I didn't expect to see him back at full fitness for 12 months.


    "He thought someone tackled him from behind" ?

    So did someone ? And if so who ?

    First of all, your rush to blame someone is pathetic. Second of all, the Achilles rupture is generally a non contact injury down to bad luck. Third of all, why would they say "thought" if someone actually did?



    It is one of the tell tale signs of an achilles injury that they think they've been kicked from behind

    Source: I'm a sports therapist here in Canada (and no I don't mean this to be cheeky, just wanted to clarify)

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  3. Hey guys, long time reader from Canada. Recent sports therapy (Canadian equivalent) graduate and decided to join so I could make a medically informed post in the Benteke thread to correct some things others had said. Made my first trip to VP in January for the Arsenal match and hopefully I'll get more chances in the future.

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