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Everything posted by BG_Villa_Fan

  1. A perfectly reasonable question one would think for a RB asking why he is playing at LB! If this is true then it's ridiculous.... I want a manager who listens & learns rather than one who can't bear for anyone to dare ask him a question and simply HAS to do everything HIS way or not at all. Don't worry, soon we'll have a manager who will NOT want things to go HIS way and will be happy with whatever the board says, see the Davies treatment, for which O'Neill got a lot of abuse, it now seems it wasn't HIS decision after all. I bet many other decisions haven't been MON's.
  2. I still think Davies isn't highly rated here after the mare against Vienna. Kev Mac selected the team and thought even with a knock Clark was the better option and proved wrong. It was his mistake and he admitted it. I can't see a scenario where Lerner is on the phone telling not to pick certain players as to me that's just ridicolous. It's not ridiculous at all, it's the reality of the situation and I admire you for not seeing the signs. Will you still believe it is ridiculous if Davies doesn't feature in any league game for AVFC anymore? Admittedly, I'm not Davies's biggest fan at all, I don't rate him that much, but not even on the bench again? Basically we have a player who's about to play his 3rd career premiership game and first away from VP playing with a knock and we don't name our only other CB, a 10million one, who is perfectly fit even on the bench?! Come on, surely it's not rocket science to see what's going on at Villa.
  3. Overreaction much? There are plenty of reasons why Jol would come to Villa. Ajax have money issues themselves and will probably be selling their big names if they can't beat Kiev. Today was a blip I'm sure of it. We move on and the sky hasn't fallen in yet. Not an overreaction at all. I don't expect Villa to contend for top 4 this season anyway, so no. Why do you think Davies wasn't even on the bench today, again? When the board start to interfere in the club's footballing side, that's it for the club.
  4. Why would Jol leave champions league Ajax to come to 0-6 Villa, where there's no money to be spent, where the best player's been sold to an alleged rival,where wages have to be reduced and where the board openly interferes where it shouldn't - Milner/Ireland , Davies, etc. I'm sure Jol would laugh at this and stay as far away as possible. Btw, I feel very bad for Kev Mac. The man never asked for this shit and will now get so much undeserved abuse.
  5. Sorry, no testicles available for 0 quid.
  6. Looks like the decision for not playing Davies in the Prem, because of his contract hasn't been a MON decision after all. Wonder how many other decisions haven't been MON's.
  7. General, Did MON really negotiate the incoming players' wages? If true, then would the newly appointed manager be responsible for this as well?
  8. Judging by Lerner's track record appointing managers/coaches for the Browns I dread to even think about it... I would hope for someone charismatic and likeable, like zola, as I don't expect much success on the pitch anyway.
  9. Indeed. Exclude that one season for Blackburn and Heskey's the more prolific striker for their careers. Amazing!
  10. Unfortunately this forum's rules are pretty tight to allow me to properly address your post, no matter how much I'd like to.
  11. Can't describe how happy and proud I am to see most Villa fans stay behind the club and the manager in a situation like that.
  12. It's a good thing to read last year's poll. Gives perspective and explains a lot.
  13. ^ wow fair enough mate. Still though, I think you'd struggle to find anyone to share your opinion on Bent/Higuain.
  14. He is an average striker, he is nowhere near as good as Bent, in terms of goalscoring or general play, stick Higuain in Sunderland's team and he would struggle to get 10 goals per season. So if you play Bent in Real in place of Higuain, he'd score more than 27 goals in 32 games?
  15. I'm not Jon, but I'll answer. I would be happy, yes, IF Villa could generate a revenue close to these spendings ( + wages ) in the process.
  16. i'm not sure any sensible person who wants us to be successful would be saying that trickie. I want Villa to spend within their financial capabilities As do i. I haven't said otherwise. Well, I mean within Villa's financial capabilities, you clearly mean Randy's financial capabilities, there's the difference.
  17. i'm not sure any sensible person who wants us to be successful would be saying that trickie. Count me in, I don't want the mega millions. I want Villa to spend within their financial capabilities, instead of throwing hundreds of millions they have no way to re-generate, how's that for being sensible?
  18. True. In no time they'll start playing commercials during these 'time-outs', then when 'we're back' some guy will be telling us 'the final decision'. YAY!
  19. You really havnt been paying attention over the last couple of months have you? You must have countless links suggesting we have no money then eh?
  20. Even though I'm against these appeals, I can see your point, Levi, however I'm afraid this would raise another problem. You say that if the appellant is found to be wrong then he should be sent off. Imagine the following scenario - last minute corner, lots of players holding each other's shirt, ball goes close to some of these and the attacking player falls to the ground, he appeals, as his shirt has been pulled, however, the referee finally decides ( after watching the replay ), that even though there's been contact it hasn't been sufficient enough to reward a penalty. Basically it's a matter of opinion, some referees would give the penalty, others would decide against it. Should then the player be sent off only because this specific referee's opinion is that the severity of the shirt pulling is not sufficient enough for a penalty? Don't think so. Also, if the severity of the punishment for false appeals is lowered, say a yellow card, then it'd make a mockery of the game, as every player would appeal for every little challenge that some referee might decide to be enough for a penalty to be given. It'd also be used for tactical perposes in the same way that players make tactical fouls to stop dangerous counter attacks.
  21. 4 games and Ozil is already a tier above Rooney, laughable! Rooney is world class, albeit not at his best during the World Cup for whatever reasons.
  22. Which is why he costs 10 times less, yet he's not 10 times worse. I'm not a big fan of Pantsil, but he'd be a solid, if uninspirational, signing.
  23. Thanks. I also expect that City would move onto some more fancy name for that kind of money, but IF Milner eventually goes I'd struggle to think why MON wouldn't be interested in some of these City players. IMO a deal of Milner for Hart, Richards ( or Onuoha ) and Ireland would improve us vastly, but I guess City might not be too happy with it and I know these types of deals are extremely rare in football.
  24. MM, if Milner is on his way, do you think MON would want straight cash, or would he be more interested in some of Man City's players - Hart, Richards, Ireland, etc.? Do you think City would do a player(s) + cash deal?
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