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Everything posted by smg

  1. No team reaches the levels seen against city on a regular basis some of our fans are too easily embarrassed we need to be more realistic as a fan group as to where we are and enjoy the fact that in terms of progression we are massively moving forwards. Even if we manage to get in the Champions league next year we are very likely to do a Newcastle because we need to develop a squad over time to play at that level. Its mind boggling what the reactions on here could be next year when we lose to a team that has been in the champions league for years.
  2. We are pushing on look at last years table. Why are Villa fans so impatient ?
  3. For you clearly.. we are still performing above last years levels
  4. Would you have preferred it to happen against City or Arsenal and swap the euphoria of those two games for the disappointment of tonight ?
  5. Go have a lie down you will feel better in the morning. It really isn’t the end of the world we are second you get nothing for being top in December and who realistically would have thought that we would have been in top two back in August. We are doing well this season enjoy it.
  6. It should always have been our focus anything else a very unexpected bonus.
  7. smg

    Growing Fanbase

    He is clearly s**t scared of you.
  8. Is that the same as having a bad feeling about this one ?
  9. He should not have given the referee the chance to send him off, no question. However if our world class, World Cup winning goalkeeper hadn’t behaved like an utter dick he would not have found himself in a situation that that he felt he had to get involved in. Martinez is seen as a leader and that brings with it responsibility, yesterday he behaved like a child, the red card was set up by Martinez. He is a fabulous goalkeeper but more subtle players than Maupay will provoke him and ultimately he will cost us points unless he chooses to control his “ bad ass” image.
  10. Why Dendinkydonk? I don’t get it what’s the purpose of misspelling his name ?
  11. 18 months before I was born but I have seen it a few times and while it was deemed ‘fair’ at the time it isn’t a great challenge and I wonder what the reaction of Villa fans would have been if it had been on Simms ?
  12. Don’t understand that attitude but everyone to their own.
  13. The European cup winning squad had a few ‘determined ‘ characters but none of them acted like pricks in order to win matches.
  14. They have half a squad missing and are winning. Not sure they give shit what you’re thinking
  15. Moreno currently, the one everyone wanted back because he is brilliant until he is rusty and makes an error, then he’s shit like the rest of the team when we are losing.
  16. Of course it is that’s how you make progress, too many people want it all at once and can’t cope when it doesn’t happen.
  17. Good balanced post unlike the usual “ Cash is shit”
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