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Everything posted by smg

  1. Ok if you say so. Go find something else to be negative about. Must be pissed Olsen hasn’t f****d up yet?
  2. How long have you been watching? Three months ? Believe me there has been a lot more shit than that in recent years but I guess it’s always good to post a negative What fun you can have next week if we don’t put 10 on little Bournemouth .
  3. smg

    Tyrone Mings

    Some of the bed wetting shite posted on here today. ( with absolutely no justification )Just like a match thread when we concede. The power of a rumour and people willing to embellish it.
  4. We will eventually lose at home. It will have absolutely nothing to do with our away form when it happens.
  5. Villa Park is regularly quiet. The crowd is reactive not proactive, does little to get the team going during a game only responds briefly when we score. Not good for the players particularly in tight games. Twelfth man my a**e.
  6. Give the fans something to shout about ? Ffs we are unbeaten at home since god knows when we are 3-1 up, winning in Europe and still the fans need more to cheer about. There are too many ‘fans’ that don’t deserve this team. By the way arrogance or confidence? Let’s go for arrogance that gives us a chance to moan. Oh and UTV !
  7. One goal the total mood change on here f*****g laughable.
  8. Oh how different the posts are when we win. Shit players last week , world beaters today.
  9. Referees have never been under so much scrutiny as they are now. All fans these days routinely moan about referees and how they robbed their team week in week out. Seen some references on here about the non corner goal last night but surprisingly no one moaning about it. It was undoubtedly a s**t decision but benefited us so that’s ok then ?
  10. The Villa Park crowd ( like Villa talk) is a reactionary crowd even when we score it’s a couple of chants one of which is usually about the blues (why?) and then back to silence and grumbles. There will always be the argument that it’s the teams job to get the fans going but surely if the crowd were more proactive and got behind the team for longer then the players are more likely to respond with positive actions on the pitch. We have waited for years to get back into European football why are we not enjoying it more and driving the players on ?
  11. Remembered him after I posted couldn’t be arsed to change it but you are totally right.
  12. Huge expectations being put on Moreno to return at the level he was at when he got injured. He has had no competitive football for weeks and it’s going to take time for him to get up to speed he will undoubtedly do it but possibly not in a game of this importance first time out.
  13. No but the idea of the bad game sticks in some posters minds and as soon as the player makes a mistake in the next game it gets jumped on and then this spreads game after game picking up others as it goes. In recent seasons Konsa, McGinn, Watkins, Digne and now Zaniolo have all been selected for this treatment by some fans .
  14. Yes Demitri C already told me. Ooh I feel like one of the players now, one mistake and certain members of Villa talk are all over me !!
  15. Really don’t think she is. Clearly a blues fan but unlike some male pundits she does not let this cloud her comments .
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