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Everything posted by bobzy

  1. ...and when we have our better players back, we play some football. Not the greatest in the World, granted, but against Spurs for ex, we looked a better side. If we want to see a real improvement, more needs to be spent on the squad. Simple. It's not like Lambert isn't getting the best from talent costing £100m.
  2. He hasn't dragged us further down, though. We're pretty stagnant and not spending money... so we're going to remain pretty stagnant. The whole point was for him to stops us being stagnant, ergo he's a failure! He has a net spending way in excess of McLeish but can only struggle to match his results? That's how rubbish Lambert is! He told Lerner he could do this that and the other and he can't do any of it!! He needs to look at himself in the mirror and see if he has any self respect left or is he just like the rest and a money grabbing sponger! Are you really comparing one season to 2 and a half in terms of "net spend"? I don't think he's a money grabbing sponger at all. He came to the club in challenging circumstances (circumstances that Martinez turned down, by the way) and has stuck with us, despite never having a real amount to spend on players. To transform the team that much under those restrictions must be incredibly tough. Could he do better? Yes. Is he doing terribly? No.
  3. Richardson offers more to the team than N'Zogbia. It's painful watching N'Zogbia and Bent now. Painful.
  4. He hasn't dragged us further down, though. We're pretty stagnant and not spending money... so we're going to remain pretty stagnant.
  5. I agree with the point of view etc. but the only thing I would say is that we're not playing any better on the whole. Even if he kept the same squad of 20 players, I'd like to see some sort of improvement in the way we play football. Against Southampton, we did ok tactically from a defensive point because we had the midfield 3 sitting on top of our high defence - but this meant N'Zogbia (who was useless), Weimann (who didn't touch the ball first half) and Gabby (who actually had a decent game) were completely isolated. There was no pressure on Southampton bringing the ball from the back and no link between midfield and attack. The latter point, especially, is draining us of our goals - as we all know. I don't think Lambert could necessarily do much better purely in terms of results, but the play style certainly leaves a lot to be desired.
  6. Because, why would they? Why would anyone who is staunchly anti-Lambert give any credit to a draw against Southampton? Especially having everyone was posting "after we lose to Southampton and Burnley". Brilliant fans, though, brilliant fans. Could it be that some people see the bigger picture? Could it be that picking up 2 points and scoring 2 goals in our last 8 games means that some people don't all of a sudden forget the rubbish that has gone on before. Could it be that just because we take a 'backs to the wall' negative approach to games and West Ham and Southampton hadn't got the ability on the day to take their chances Lambert is still a poor manager? Could it be that we are almost certain to continue playing dross and struggling at the s**t end of the table as long as Lambert is in charge? Just a couple of thoughts there. There's no bigger picture when you're talking about one result. You've just posted: "Don't let the truth stand in the way of finding a reason to defend Lambert's decisions" Hating for hating's sake is cool though. Good on you. There is a bigger picture. Unlike some I don't get carried away with one result. I don't 'hate' Lambert I just don't believe that he is a very good manager and I believe he is dragging us down. There is a difference you know. It's not even a Lambert thing. A draw against Southampton was a good result.
  7. Because, why would they? Why would anyone who is staunchly anti-Lambert give any credit to a draw against Southampton? Especially having everyone was posting "after we lose to Southampton and Burnley". Brilliant fans, though, brilliant fans. Could it be that some people see the bigger picture? Could it be that picking up 2 points and scoring 2 goals in our last 8 games means that some people don't all of a sudden forget the rubbish that has gone on before. Could it be that just because we take a 'backs to the wall' negative approach to games and West Ham and Southampton hadn't got the ability on the day to take their chances Lambert is still a poor manager? Could it be that we are almost certain to continue playing dross and struggling at the s**t end of the table as long as Lambert is in charge? Just a couple of thoughts there. There's no bigger picture when you're talking about one result. You've just posted: "Don't let the truth stand in the way of finding a reason to defend Lambert's decisions" Hating for hating's sake is cool though. Good on you.
  8. Because, why would they? Why would anyone who is staunchly anti-Lambert give any credit to a draw against Southampton? Especially having everyone was posting "after we lose to Southampton and Burnley". Brilliant fans, though, brilliant fans.
  9. It was a defensive change. Don't be fooled by the fact it was a midfielder off and a striker on. Just reading back... Come on man, give me SOME credit . I understand the thinking behind the subsitution but, when you need to kill off a game, the player coming on needs to either a] Work hard off the ball, pressing play and hurrying the opposition or b] Hold up the ball and effectively kill time whilst the defence get a breather. Darren Bent does neither of things. We'd have been better bringing on any other sub (bar Given) - although, ultimately, it probably didn't affect the outcome that much.
  10. I actually thought he interviewed well too. Was refreshing to not hear "we were great" etc - he was honest, said we'd have probably taken a point before the game but were disappointed to draw having lead for 80 minutes. Appreciated that Pelle is a good player but that he dealt with him. Honestly, couldn't have done better on or off the pitch last night. Fair play to him.
  11. They're the best defensive unit in the Premier League. I didn't expect anything at all - let alone ONE shot on target
  12. Grealish, or Cole, or literally anyone other than Bent
  13. Great performance tonight - man of the match for me. Lead the line well and can't remember him actually doing anything wrong.
  14. I don't understand Sanchez off, Bent on. Fair enough taking off Sanchez but... Darren Bent?
  15. Top lad - surely first choice for the foreseeable?
  16. Just get N'Zogbia off. He's offering absolutely nothing. At least Sanchez gets his body in and around the ball to block potential through balls - N'Zogbia isn't even tracking or pressing or anything! Bring on Grealish - something for the crowd to cheer whilst we have a rare lead.
  17. Seriously though, get N'Zogbia off at half time.
  18. Yeah, same. Anything for a bit of confidence really.
  19. That Southampton side is pretty good, isn't it? Better hope Okore/Clark work well together...
  20. Last 20 minutes would be good, irrespective of scoreline (unless our entire team happens to be playing a blinder... yeah, I know)
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