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Everything posted by AVFCDAN

  1. Is that the film which is just The Bourne Identity without Matt Damon? Thats a good thing if you think Matt Damon is a bit of a douche.
  2. Khan definitely a top class boxer now. Needs to take on Mayweather i think.
  3. Watched that Asian film "Confessions" last night. Jesus what a weird film, i think i liked it though. Anyone else seen this and care to put their spin on it?
  4. Watched this myself, quite a good movie actually and im not a star wars fan. I thought Kristen Bell looked very hot in that movie, i didnt actually recognise her at first. I watched that the other week, and didn't think it was amazing by any stretch of the imagination. I am actually a SW fan (not anywhere near the extent of the characters though) as well. Some nice cameos (particularly Kevin Smith & Jason Mewes), but other than that, pretty meh. As mentioned though the Kirsten Bell / Liea thing was an added bonus. Agreed, but i think i liked the actors more than the characters if that makes any sense. Seth Rogen cameo was good, and i do like Jay Baruchel from knocked up and shes out of your league etc..
  5. Watched this myself, quite a good movie actually and im not a star wars fan. I thought Kristen Bell looked very hot in that movie, i didnt actually recognise her at first.
  6. Just started watching eastbound and down again. Absolute quality, for anyone that watches it, stevie is a legend.
  7. Wasn't a massive fan of brick to be honest. Thought he was really good in 500 days of summer though.
  8. Have you tried turning your TV on?
  9. To be honest this is pissing me off now. I accepted the signing of mcleish, i accepted the selling of Young but this is just a step too far. First we sold barry, ok we'll move on, then we sold milner, ok we'll move on..... Now its Young and Downing. Not exactly sure what our assets are after those pair go, basically just Bent. Heskey was done last season, Brad has gone, Reo Coker is gone, Petrov must be on his last legs, unless Mcleish signs 5-6 players (which he probably won't) we are going to struggle to put a team out next year, might aswell play the full youth team as an experiment, sounds like a joke really but thats pretty much Aston Villa at the moment, a BIG JOKE. How have we gone from Champs League hopefuls 2-3 years ago to mid table also rans so quickly? Its almost as if the o' neill and lerner years didnt happen and we are back to the mid table stodge of the last 15 years.
  10. Pitch black on itv now, guilty pleasure of mine...
  11. Watched the brilliant Kalifornia last night. Even David Duchovny is pretty good in it, Brad pitt steals the show though.
  12. Love Edgar wright, love cera, hated Scott Pilgrim, just went straight over my head
  13. Im baffled as to why i keep hearing so many positive reviews for the film THOR. I thought it was boring and just a shitty movie all round, i would rather watch judge dredd than that film again.
  14. I think i was bigging this film up about 6 months ago. Nothing special but a decent film, its main asset was at least trying to do something different, its not really a genre specific film.
  15. I read a review of this and it said that cameron diaz was attrocious they said the saving grace of the film was justin timberlake which is saying something about the film. Timberlake is actually not a bad actor from what ive seen of him. I thought Alpha Dog was a very good movie.
  16. I think I bigged it up in here at some point aswell. (Eastbound and Down) Strange show but some bloody hilarious moments in it.
  17. Does it compare with a game like Bayonetta P3te? Bloody loved that game.
  18. Watched about 40 mins myself, awful film. Strange one because i know Snyder can make a brilliant film and tell a story, Watchmen was fantastic, 300 was great and Dawn of the dead was pretty good aswell. Prime example of style over substance.
  19. "LET OFF SOME STEAM, BENNETT!!!" One of my favourites among many.... Cindy: Can you tell me what this is all about? Matrix: Yeah, a guy I trusted for years wants me dead. Cindy: That's understandable. I've only known you for five minutes and I want you dead, too
  20. It better be Moyes or Hughes. Personally Moyes would be my first choice out of realistic options, obviously you would take the ancelottis and hiddinks of this world but they are never comnig to villa park so moyes first for me. Hughes having worked with some big egos at man city and seemingly having the passion to win things in football is the obvious second choice in my opinion. Mclaren is the biggest joke ive heard in ages, i would honestly take curbishley over him.
  21. I think one of the factors of varying reviews is possibly people who have seen the bourne films. Personally ive never bothered with them at all, mainly because i don't like matt damon, but i thought unknown was a great film.
  22. Ahem, posted a day before Slovenian.
  23. Watched Tucker and Dale myself last night, its all the rage at the moment! Very interesting concept but i felt it went against the grain so much that the finished product almost didn't feel like a complete film. I felt like i didn't really feel emotionally connected with any of the characters and as a result of that i didn't really care what happened next. Basically a very interesting concept not quite executed imo 6/10.
  24. Can't wait to hear Carls lovely girlfriend wailing from the stands again.
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