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Everything posted by brummybloke

  1. sadly alot of fans cant see this, they judge him on how fast he can run and if he stops running then he is shit or how many aimless boots ionto the air he can win, again, if he doesnt jump and fight for every header he is again .. shit i didnt watch last nights game, i had something more important to do, which i cant remember qhat it was now, it may have been watching crap tv or something, it was better and less depresssing than watching the shit villa anyway. but i do see that bent scored, so he did his job. i bet he didnt go back and defend every corner or tackle back in our own box, that will give the haters something to keep whining about as they cant maon about him not scoring
  2. probably the worst set of results in villas entire history all in 1 month clueless tactics play a major part in it after 5 minutes he should have got word to lowton to go down the line after 6 minutes he should have got word to bannan to stop taking the corners or free kicks after 7 minutes he should have got word to gabby and nzog that if one goes inside the other must push out wide all very basic simple things that all of us could see apart from lambert. and when he brought on weimann both gabby and nzog should have been ordered to stay out wide, it was like watching school boy stuff, everyone all in a big group hoping a big punt towards the group will end well shocking but expected im afraid
  3. i think it was tongue in cheek
  4. put on for 30 minutes to save an appallingly set up team , a team which in the first half if lowton had half a brain would have hit in 15 crosses by simply moving down the right side of the pitch which was completely empty of bradford players, instead every time he passed the ball inside in the 30 minutes he was on he set up the weiman goal and set ireland up bent was the forward drifting out wide to try and open them up yet nzog and gabby had been on all game and were not doing it the blame entirely lies at the hands of the manager picking a poor formation, players who cant play that formation and then when desperate throws on 2 more forwards and tries to pack out the middle wioth no one prepaired to crosss the ball in not picking bent is another '**** you' from the increasingly poor lambert, who has no one to blame for the utter shit we are having to watch but himself
  5. another diagonal shit cross from lowton, been very shit tonight
  6. gabby and nzog obviously told to stay in the middle to offer no width what so ever rather than have one each side of the pitch to put crosses in crosses eh? didnt we score from one of them?
  7. too little too late at the moment lowton had the entire first half to rape the right hand side, he didnt do it once we had our chances , unless we get one in 5 mins we are ****
  8. zog and gabby need to sort themselves out both on the right no one on the left
  9. **** woman comes in and they score **** off woman get out the **** room
  10. time to get ready for the last half we need to score straight away to **** them up
  11. bent needs to be on the pitch we have missed 4 or 5 chances which he may well have done far better with it would also take some of the pressure off benteke who is our only goal scorer
  12. LOWTON run and cross the **** ball you prick for **** sake you are the out ball you have 1 person to run around, that is it, 1 person and you are then completely through use your **** head son
  13. bannan PLEASE **** OFF AND STOP **** UP EVERY **** CORNER YOU FLID
  14. for **** sake lowton, seriously cross the **** ball in from wide, you look shit
  15. so far bannan utter shit lowton clueless bennett utter shit and clueless come on you ****
  16. lowton you **** tit 3 times now run you lazy **** you are the out ball you spaz
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