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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. We have turned into a timid pathetic team. Not good enough.
  2. Just for shits and giggles, how about we don't get Rogers and Duran leaves without us finding a replacement...
  3. Comment from the Athletic article...
  4. Good battling performance. Would have lost without Martinez, but we had our chances. They tired and we came back into it. On balance, pleased with the result. Diaby, sadly, has gone to shit.
  5. https://theathletic.com/5216011/2024/01/21/morgan-rogers-interview-middlesbrough?source=user-shared-article Seems a mature lad for his age, hard worker, keen to improve and fairly talented. Sign him up.
  6. He's suggesting we are going for lesser (cheaper) targets.
  7. You're just jealous, not only is Gareth the most successful England manager in recent history, he's also a massive hit with the laydeeez.
  8. Sure most of the pundits were saying we weren't going to sign anyone this window. Still possible we won't, but now seems likely we'll be bringing in at least two younger players, so you can forget what most of them say, it's not worth listening to.
  9. I think you and I have been in tune on this for a while. So, not him because he looks a bit gangly and awkward, but we need a proper brute who can also play a bit, similar to Dacoure. I suppose the cultured brute is a Udoggie or Guimares?
  10. Ahh yes, the classic 'hope is round the corner when the cavalry arrives' narrative. However, we can't forget, they all have to play themselves back into fitness, form and not alter the shape of the team, such as it currently is. We look to be running out of steam. I hope you are right!
  11. Very poor result today. Of course we have exceeded expectations up until now, but you have to put shite teams like Everton away if you want to stay in the top five.
  12. Dreadful. Everton are beyond shite and we couldn't beat them. Of course there is a bigger picture, but we haven't been good for a while. Crap.
  13. Anything less than a point today would be utterly pathetic. Such a shit nothingness of a game.
  14. Sloppy slow play leading to opposition attacks. More stuttering, unconvincing play.
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