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Everything posted by VillaGoMarching

  1. there's no doubt Hendire was a talent but he thought he'd made it after that England Cap, and from then on only ever produced enough to get a new contract, thankfully MON knows better.
  2. LINK Good to see blose stick by their 'injured' player.
  3. i don't understand people scoring 6 yard tap ins. me and my mates play clubs because we love football, and try and play the beautiful game, winning honestly isn't everything. we like to play good stuff and score good goals. Those teams that keep playing lofted through ball or running in a line scoring a rugby try like goal really do suck and need to understand football better.
  4. Fantastic to see such clear comments coming out of the club, General we all appreaciate the time and effort you put into coming on here. For me personally just makes the experience of being a Villa fan even greater knowing we have such good people in control.
  5. i'd actually like to see us experiment alittle. (not gonna happen) but i'd go for: Friedel, L.Young,Dunne, Cueller, Warnock, Ash, Milner, Reo-Coker, Downing Delf and Gabby.
  6. I can see the usual suspects have got in with they're i told you so posts. I haven't a clue if we'll win, but i hope we can, we've got the ability to cause them problems, just need to shackle Bellemy/Tevez/Johnson imo.
  7. Best signing Spurs can make this summer is getting Bale onto lucrative five year contract. That ought to be enough to deter Ferguson for a couple of years. However, unlike Berbatov, Bale seems to love it at Spurs and if he's playing regularly and in this kind of form, he should have no reason to leave any time soon, especially when you bear in mind that he's only 20 years old. Unless he fancies winning a league title Pfft, those things are a dime a dozen nowadays. The real glory is challenging for the Carling Cup and the qualifying rounds of the Champion's League. Plus, Man Utd can't afford the kind of price Levy will demand for him, so. I'm sure you'd have said a similar thing with Berbadross. Infact i've bet if they offered him back for bale your lot would be tempted.
  8. Ruud left Holland, what 10 years ago? probably the last truely great dutch goalscorer. The fact that Danko Lazovic and Gerald Sibon are still picking up a crust in that league is a testament to how poor it is nowawdays.
  9. I think at least £20 mill plus Bellamy and Ireland would be a decent deal.
  10. More typically of us we made it hard, while most teams would have been out of site by half time. Profligacy in the final third is to blame.
  11. it would of been our look for a ref to assist them a winner.
  12. There is only one person in the world, O'Neill. Even Heskey knows he won't. Capello loves him too.
  13. i can't agree with all the Cuellar slating, he's a Centre half, can't help it if he's been played out of position.
  14. agreed. we just need to keep patient, some fresh legs wouldn't hurt either.
  15. He was always gonna miss one, you only have to stand still for his pens.
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