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Everything posted by sellyoakvilla

  1. I've always gone with He left glasgow for the Villa, Cuellar Cuellar He likes to drink his sangria, Cuellar Cuellar He's 6 foot 3 with curly hair his teeth are **** but we don't care Carlos Cuellar Villa's centre half Na na na na na na na na na na, na na etc
  2. on Sky sports we are 3rd in the list of who thinks fans will win the Premiership on the vote... we got 8%...arse 5% and chelski 3%
  3. Could have also been 4-1... Ifs, buts, coulds, shoulds, woulds - all irrespective of the final score
  4. ok :-) Even if you believe in the concept of luck, which I generally don't, we had 18 shots at goal against West Brom. A chance cleared off the line, hit the side netting twice and two fantastic saves from Carson. Nevermind the chances that Sidwell and Gabby fluffed. Surely regardless the circumstances surrounding the goal it was a fully deserved 3 points? I don't believe the concept of luck either - we create the positions to get into the chances to make the goals we 'luckily score'...if we weren't in said positions we wouldn't get the goals so in my opinion its bullshit. It's not like their players run from the halfway line into their own goal for us to win 1-0 so we are getting in positions... If we are supposedly 'lucky' then are we unlucky for not scoring our chances we missed?? Surely if we are unlucky and lucky in the same game it balances it out for a fair score? PS DDID, Kings of Leon in your sig?
  5. Hi Gen, Hope you are well and that everything is Ok with your family. Just to bring up a point made on the previous thread, about the magazine sales in terminals of train stations/airports etc? Did you ever find anything out about this? Kind regards.
  6. Championes championes ole ole ole
  7. To tune of MC Hammer - Can't touch this Na na na na, Na na, Na na James Milner
  8. Oh West Bromwich Is full of shit Oh West Bromwich is full of shit It's full of shit, shit and more shit Oh West Bromwich is full of shit Build a bonfire, build a bonfire but the baggies on the top Put the noses in the middle and then burn the **** lot
  9. Looked like some people were doing it at Gillingham too if it meant jumping up and down
  10. Smiths - I started something I couldn't finish
  11. Comefortable ish I think...no main worries although I am holding back on the pennies a little and not spending money on anything but Villa nowadays. Apart from food obviously. But my wage has been cut and my hours have been halved so I'm **** if I lose my job
  12. My Drive Thru - Pharrell Williams feat Julian Casablancas and Santogold
  13. Petrov due to the fact that he has improved so much
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