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Posts posted by TheAuthority

  1. 2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    Another player that's nowhere near good enough for us, but starts for Man United all of the time. And they wonder why they're in the shit.

    They were a mid table team before Red nose. Long may they stay there after getting lucky with that arrogant clearing in the woods

  2. 5 hours ago, sne said:

    Barcelona is pretty much the only team against whom I'd root for Liverpool.

    But I really hope Liverpool win (big) against Man U today, just so the circus there can escalate even further.

    The suffering and anguish of Manure fans sustains me :D 

    I really would love Manure to win this.

    It'll keep Ole in his job a bit longer so the circus can continue and nothing will upset the Plop fans more than Utd denying them the record :D

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    • Haha 1
  3. 21 hours ago, Xela said:

    All series of Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes on iPlayer.

    Going to binge on them over the weekend. 

    Never really got into Life on Mars but I loved Ashes to Ashes. Did we ever get a conclusive ending to what the actual f**k was going on? Not that it mattered it was still a great show - "Fire up the Quattro" :D


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  4. 15 hours ago, NurembergVillan said:

    Crikey!  Had to blow the cobwebs off this thread on the way in!

    Apparently @TheAuthority bumped into Phil Mitchell at the airport today...  :crylaugh:

    Self deprecation aside, I could be the first VT'er with socks on he's ever met...




    Brilliant to met you in person mate and thanks for showing up with proper foot attire (unlike @Stevo985 ) and not showing up with a Scuba Steve sign. :D

    • Haha 2
  5. 14 hours ago, bickster said:

    Most pubs that serve real ale these days are pretty much all serving guest beers, so when one cask runs out another completely different one might replace it. Its the style of beer that tends to be important

    Its not easy to recommend because theres that many and a lot of them are region specific from small breweries

    Personally I like Stouts, Amber Ales, Red Ales, Blondes (fnar) so tend to stick inside those sets, Occasionally an IPA if desperate

    Thanks Bicks. Is there by any chance a centralized website or a good blog you or anyone would recommend?

    We are staying 5 mins from Headingly.

  6. 14 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    When (and at what venues) are you on in Leeds? 

    It's basically a UTEP choir residency at Leeds Cathedral. The choir director is married to my buddy who is also the trombone professor and head of the music school i.e. he controls the pursestrings! "My wife is taking the choir to the UK? We definitely need trombones!! Richard do you want to come?!"

    It's simply more of a cultural trip for the kids than anything, many of whom won't have ever been outside of El Paso before let alone Texas.
    From the very rough tentative schedule I have, it looks like they are singing at a lot of Cathedral services during the week - some of which I may or may not be part of - hopefully leaving lots of time time to sample some local ales :D

    On Sunday October 13th we are going to do an outreach concert in Ripon in the afternoon. It's very low key. I will know much more once I'm there about actual shows that may be worth hearing. Cathedral's aren't really my thing and I know they're not your's, but as a brass player performing in them is part and parcel of your career - plus you music always sounds beautiful in those acoustics.

    It would be great to see you though Mike and meet another VT'er (hopefully you won't be sans socks ala @Stevo985 ;) )

    • Haha 1
  7. 14 hours ago, NurembergVillan said:

    I'm 15 minutes from Manchester Airport... Surely we can arrange at least a coffee?!

    That would be great if you have the time! I land before the rest of the party so I'll send you a PM :)

    • Like 1
  8. Flying over on Wednesday night to Manchester and on to Leeds for a week. Doing a few cathedral concerts with the University of Texas El Paso choir. (Yes, the El Paso that just suffered that terrible massacre.) Great kids and staff in El Paso and I'm along as a guest artists for a free trip back to the UK!

    The most important thing is I need beer recommendations. Particularly traditional British Bitters. There are a million craft ales over here, IPA's etc, but I'm interested in the hidden gem breweries that only serve a few pubs. Any info will be greatly appreciated! Looking at you Mike! @mjmooney

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