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Posts posted by TheAuthority

  1. 5 hours ago, Rob182 said:

    I love Jack, but I just wish he could shoot!

    He’s scored the odd goal here and there, but for a player as expressive in the attacking third as he is, his shooting is absolutely shocking. Imagine if Hazard could do all the trickery in the world, but then turned into Tonev when he lashed at goal. That’s how I (harshly, perhaps) view Grealish’s ability.


    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 hours ago, the_eristic said:

    I feel terrible for him tbh, he's gone from playing on his natural left side as an attacking mid in a league-winning, ball-playing Atlanta side coached by Tata Martino and partnered with his best friend, a slippery, aggressive, lethal finisher in Josef Martinez, to playing for a Rafa Benitez side on the up, to playing way out on the wing on his weaker side (and I mean weaker, he almost never played on the right for Atlanta or Lanus) with no support in an absolutely dour Steven f'ing Bruce side.

    Nah, f**k him :D

    • Haha 4
  3. What a beautiful thing to be a once in a generation player and be doing it for your hometown club.

    My head tells me he needs better players around him to fulfill his potential but of course my heart wants him to stay with us forever.

    He could be better than Gascoigne because he has his head screwed on. His talent is unique - and because he is working hard he is improving all the time.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, terrytini said:

    I’m sorry to hear that....but at least it means I know you know exactly how I feel. Which helps 👍

    I’ve had a couple of people suggest stuff to the effect “ it’s not worth it” “ don’t let it stop you” etc....which makes sense and is probably good advice but I am made the way I am, and that guy utterly crushed my desire to be there tonight.

    I hate bullies & he sounds like a bully to me Terry. 

    Confrontation can be traumatizing and bullies just want to terrorize - that's their goal. To create fear because thats the language they understand because they are scared little timid cowards themselves. 

    When you're ready to think about going back, imagine how small and pathetic that guys life is that he has to harass a stranger at a football game that supports the same team as him.

    • Like 4
  5. 3 hours ago, Zatman said:

    You know VAR wasnt used in our game with Palace so Hodgson had nothing to answer

    I think his actual quote was something like not wanting to talk about the ref's decisions and Grealish being booked for diving he was whining that no-one was talking about how well his side had played.

    So I stand by my original post that Woy will probably have a different view on things tonight.

  6. On 22/11/2019 at 11:10, stewiek2 said:

    For those wanting something to happen in the Mandalorian, episode 3 doesn't disappoint. Best episode yet.

    Oh yeah. That episode just about makes up for the Last Jedi and the other mistakes that Disney have made.


    Group of booster backpack flying Mandalorians FTW!


  7. 5 hours ago, Straggler said:

    Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Rudy, John Bolton, Tim Morrison will all have to decide if Trump is worth going to the mat for.  Pompeo and Bolton are the two most interesting to me. 

    Bolton's input could be fascinating. This is a guy who despite all of the Neo-Con loons Bush had in his Iraq/Afghanistan War debacle administration had to resign his recess appointment as ambassador to the UN. The Senate was not going to confirm him because he was considered too crazy.

    Skip forward 15 years and he's still a nut who basically believes we should nuke Iran, but he lasted under 6 months with Trump and obviously has no love for him. Could this wacko Republican who is to the right of the Project for the New American Century be the one who brings down Trump and become a hero to Trump haters. Popcorn at the ready.

  8. 3 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    It depends on the particular sect, just like Christianity. A catholic can legit be a total piss head, a Methodist not so much.

    Not photoshopped:


    Haredi sect do not believe in Israel as a political state. They oppose secular Zionism and campaign to have Israel scrapped, believing the Jews cannot have their own state until after the return of the messiah.

    When I was reading this my mind was going, "reasonable, reasonable, reasonable, reas... Oh FFS Come on!"

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Chindie said:

    Jewishness is difficult. Even Jewish people themselves argue who is and isn't a Jew. There are undoubtedly Jewish people out there that simply converted, but equally there's a lot of Jews that would argue you can't 'become' a Jew, and only people born of a Jewish mother are Jews.

    And undoubtedly that's true of Jewish people as well - the numbers of Jewish people who are atheist, who've binned the rules, but still identify as Jewish is enormous. But the difficulty with Jewishness is that it also does a genuine race aspect. You are able to do DNA tests of people and identify that they are descended from a group of people who were associated with Judaism. To make it more complicated, you can identify multiple races of Jewish people, and there's actually historically been racism between these races of Jewish people.

    Hence Jewishness is complicated. It usually gets called an 'ethnoreligion' because it has elements of religion, culture, ethnicity and race. It isn't 'just' a religion, it's a people. And it isn't a people. It's a race, and it's 3 races, and it's not a race. It's a culture, and it's more than that.



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  10. 6 hours ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

    Out of interest does anyone know any younger generation Israelis? 

    If so is there a change in mentality between the generations? 

    I was good friends at uni with an Israeli Jew. Ok, we only did it once but managed to stay friends to this day.

    Her grandparents and extended family were Zionists who moved there in '48 from Europe (some liberated from camps.) Sadly lots of the family (her grandfather in particular,) died deeply disappointed in what had become of the Zionist state. They felt it had become a right wing state completely saturated by the military-industrial complex as oppose to the egalitarian rather hippy-dippy utopia that was imagined and hoped would evolve.

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