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Everything posted by jim

  1. I couldn't give a **** what they think to be honest. Well said. X2
  2. Excellent track and awesome video he must have spent hours putting that together. Preferred the song Far away as you ride into Mexico, so unexpected.
  3. I cannot see why he would leave Everton for Villa, we are both similar sized clubs, very similar squads in terms of quality and we both have tight budgets to work with. Unless RL is going to offer him a shed load of money and a pot of gold to spend (which I very much doubt) Moyes will not be coming to VP.
  4. :!: That's all I'm prepared to say on the subject. No then :winkold:
  5. If it was to be Sven I woul imagine Randy would have him on a rolling contract to avoid any contract issues.
  6. Away longer than originally indicated. Came back with Mr Lerner on board. Boy is he working hard to weed out the best candidate for the job. If only some could appreciate his efforts.... How do you know? He may have gone to get his end away at a French whore house!
  7. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    Couple of screenshots direct from the phone of Citadel. Apologies they are the wrong way around I could not work out how to rotate them. The frame rate is also very impressive.
  8. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    Just downloaded the unreal engine demo, epic citadel from the app store all I can say is wow and I just jizzed in my pants . Also 4.1 is out next week including proximity fixes and a hdr add on fir the camera.
  9. Everyone bangs on about the general not having to post here,FFs how naive are some people? It's his job at the end of day. All I have read over the last few weeks is spin and over hyped yank bollocks 'I bleed claret and blue' As they say in the good ol U S of a ' Horse shit!'
  10. I don't think it would hurt to show him a little bit of respect. Give it up. Are you being ironic? Are you for real? We are lucky enough to have the luxury of a member of the villa board come on to our fan forums. Someone who comes on to listen to the fans. The General helps us when we have queries, answers any queries we have with the club and takes any of our comments and passes them on which inturn improves the club for us fans. Everyone bangs on about the general not having to post here,FFs how naive are some people? It's his job at the end of day. All I have sen over the last few weeks is spin and over hyped yank bollocks 'I bleed clret and ble' As they say in the good ol U S of a ' Horse shit!' The General spends lots of time and has over 4000 posts on this site alone (from my memory) He doesn't have to come on and do it does he? Do you know any other club which has this? Yeah it's great having someone come out and give us information on what's going on at Villa because god knows no one else is doing it. The OS is a resource of old information and interviews you have to pay to view and the chairman never says a word. Paul Faulkner isn't giving much away and we don't have a manager, so you'll excuse me if I'm not waiting with baited breath for the General's next post which is designed to appease. He's a master at it. I've been listening to him go on and on about what he thinks of performances, and how the search for a manager isn't easy etc etc, but still nothing. No manager appointed and nothing to show on the pitch either. Respect is one thing, but there's more chance of Heskey reading this thread I reckon than the General, so why doesn't everyone show Emile a bit of respect. When he comes to post again, he'll be simply saying the same thing again, but with the details relating to the Vienna game. We won't have a manager and we won't have a **** clue what's going on behind the scenes either. We're out of Europe for another season. In my supportering of this club we haven't gotten to Europe that often, it would be nice not to throw it away so readily each time. Petrov says, "It would be nice to know who the manager is". It bloody would. You're a **** caretaker boss MacDonald. You won't be taking over, just manage us the best you can during this crisis, but don't have any notions about taking over permanently and for goodness sake don't let the players hear that's your plan either.
  11. Gen, What spin are you going to put on the shower of shit we have witnessed tonight?
  12. I wonder what spin tge ten will put on this shower of shot?
  13. WTF is Collins doing up front, KM really is clueless.
  14. **** off Mr Lerner please hurry up and find someone who knows what the **** they are doing.
  15. Glad it's not just me then. Does KM know what he is doing? He has the body language of a man way out of his depth to me.
  16. Why is Ireland playing so deep?
  17. This is getting to be a recurring theme.
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