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Everything posted by jim

  1. Glad it's not just me then. Does KM know what he is doing? He has the body language of a man way out of his depth to me.
  2. Why is Ireland playing so deep?
  3. This is getting to be a recurring theme.
  4. We're going to be seeing a lot of that this season. I **** hope not.
  5. Excellent villa, keep it up!
  6. Awful just awful, We need an experienced manager asap!
  7. Thing is, any new manager will want to quickly assess the squad before bring someone in. Not long left in the window, so we need to act quickly and decisively. Has anyone else thought, that part of the reason we seem to be giving everyone a chance, is to allow our yet unamed manager, a chance to do that assessing? No, but that is an interesting theory.
  8. Really? I must have imagined my country becoming 3-0 losers because of the actions of 1 fan. Give the selfpity a break. I saw 1 lighter. What else remotely ban-worthy did they do? WTF are you on about self pity? Someone only has to throw a coin in this country and its in the news. What about the water throwing as well. All I am saying is if that was at VP it would be a media frenzy, English fans a disgrace yet again etc etc...
  9. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    nebook? ntbook? n|book? nobook? Or did you mean n(et|ote)book? EDIT: sorry, limpid, for being a regexp grammar nazi What does that have to do with iPhone?
  10. This is what really pisses me off about fans in Europe, they get away with murder. If what we saw tonight was done by fans of an English club it would be all over the media and calls for bans from European competion, yet this is acceptable on the continent.
  11. Davies showed why MON didn't pick him, he isn't good enough!
  12. Got the result we needed, I just hope we see a stronger side in the second leg.
  13. rocket polishers soaking him with water
  14. Looked just a twist, get better soon!
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