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Everything posted by dont_do_it_doug.

  1. **** hell. Fear has said this is done? **** hell.
  2. This is part of the takeover - this is the takeover happening in front of your eyes I so hope your right PB! So if that is the case why would Ellis be there ? One last hurah for the bed wetter.......
  3. Why? Surely any interested party (Lerner) will be happy to have their choice of manager bring in the players he wants in time to get them prepared? Regardless, I have a sneaking suspition this will all be over before Ellis has the chance to pull out the purse one final time. Viva La Revolucion!
  4. This is part of the takeover - this is the takeover happening in front of your eyes This is gonna be some weekend that's for sure.......
  5. Well, according to a few on here it's more likely to be Rothschild. They control the club now after all :winkold: Ellis wouldn't miss this for the world Paul.......
  6. I think that there maybe a small amount of borrowing initially I thought the rules about takeovers meant that we couldn't sell or buy any assets/players? It' not a rule as such, but it may put cirtain bidders off. But if Matin O'Neill want them, then it's not going to put of those that want Martin O'Neill, if you see what I mean.
  7. I'm not sure Padfield intends to run the club. The way I see it he's the go between for a consortium. Once it's all done and dusted, he's on his merry way with a big fat cheque and his reputation intact. IMO of course.
  8. Perhaps we could start a takeover thread sweepstakes? I go for 248 before the club is taken over......
  9. Nobody, not even King Megalomaniac himself could survive this. It's gone waaaaaaaaaay past the point of no return. Also, If he didn't intend to sell, why pay Rothschild all this money that we haven't got? **** me, that would bet the daddy of all conspiricies. If it is it worked, I'm getting mine tommorow......
  10. This is interesting, because there is only one announcement you could make. Well there's two 1) these guys were nothing to do with the ongoing discussions 2) The board recommends that shareholders accept the offer made by.... And why would they make the first statement? They haven't said anything about any of the other investors. Infact, wouldn't it be against SE rules for them to do so? Of course, 'Sky Sports understands......' is hardly to be taken as gospel.
  11. East Hampton, Long Island, NY I'm going to change my id to 'Nerd' I can't believe we've actualy resorted to stalking the poor bloke!
  12. The Rollercoaster, Part 2, opens at a football club near you soon Well played Pete, looks like you were right all along. Lerner you clever little puppy........
  13. I'd be keeping hold of them if you only have 100.
  14. I thought Pink Floyd had planned to tour after doing Live8?
  15. Hmmmmm, they are what you make them. Some of it sounds a little downbeat on the surface, but when you scratch underneath it's a different ballgame.
  16. Why, because it can't get any worse than the last one? I voted Morrissey/Marr, but on reflection I can't see the point. Morrissey is doing a grand job covering old Smiths tracks with his own band, it's simply not worth the risk. You can't even compare the two for greatness. The Roses have one great album, The Smiths have a whole collection of them.
  17. Like who? I dunno, I'm just looking at the results. My opinion changed from 'get rid' to 'no vote' at some point for various reasons thus affecting the results for that week.
  18. Seconded. You're wrong, some people have been changing their vote game by game. Which I find odd. I'll abstain from voting. He's still on trial.......
  19. Trivial Pursuit???? I have enough trouble getting dressed in the morning.......
  20. Were's the 'No, but we could be' option?
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