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Everything posted by dont_do_it_doug.

  1. Right, but what right do you have to decide whether someone else dies or not?
  2. I get your point, but what if it does end up affecting someone else? What if you end up going through the windscreen and injuring another? That's the real reason why it's Law, it's not just your life your taking into your hands.
  3. What if you can't help it? I hope you'll be teaching the child in your avatar to wear a seatbelt?
  4. Not wearing one could make you feel dead. That's a crappy excuse AJ. OF - You've NEVER been in a car?
  5. Why the hell not? Always, only takes a second, might save your life. I can't see a valid reason for not wearing one, perhaps you can enlighten me?
  6. It's not like Mary Poppins and The Highbury Hacker didn't deserve the odd slap or two. But that business with Haaland, I'll never be able to 'respect' him after that. I honestly think Blunderland have lost the plot appointing him manager.
  7. Of course they didn't get a shot on goal, they'd struggle in the Rymans league. 1-0 over two games against some two bit Latvian pub team? I'd be worried if I were you.
  8. Agree with points 1 and 3, but I'm not sure about 2. Martin O'Neill seems to think we're better than Wednesdays showing.
  9. Like a toothless shark trying to gum it's prey to death and failing miserably.
  10. Really? I think you're wrong. Bar the first ten minutes when they came at us like a bullet we dominated them right up to the equaliser. I think had they stayed at 11 it would have made it a lot easier for us to break them down, instead they stuck 10 behind the ball and made it very difficult for us to find any gaps.
  11. Anyone watching them tonight? I *think* they're playing some kind of 3-4-3 with HUGE gaps behind the midfield, unfortunately the Latvian opposition don't have the quality to take advantage. They do look good going forward though, which is to be expected concidering the talent they have. If they play the same formation/style Vs us it could be a goal-fest.......
  12. LINK Laaaaaaaaaaaarwooooooooooooo!
  13. I can't imagine we'll be seeing many of those from now on. We're more than willing to 'have a go' at the likes of Newcastle. I predict a win, confidence is through the roof and VP will be buzzing. 2-0.
  14. After one too many drinks at the Ice Bar, drat01 decides a lie down is in order......
  15. You're right there I suppose. I don't think he will call it off if he only reaches 74% by the deadline. He can't anyway.
  16. It's DDID, not Lee. Dave if you must..... To reiterate my point, I don't like the idea because I think it unnecessary. As a season ticket holder.
  17. Correct we are and always will be. WOuld it bother you too much if Sky and the likes refer to us as Aston Villa playing at the *insert crap corporate name here* arena / stadium / whatever? Honestly? Yes, it would bother me because in my mind it's unnecessary.
  18. Look, I'm all for us being self suficiant and I don't want us to bleed Mr Lerner dry Abramovich style which would leave us with mountains of debt should he ever decide he's had enough. But there ARE other ways of making extraordinary amounts of money rather than selling off a little piece of our history for a quick buck, no matter how small that piece is. We're Aston Villa and we play at Villa Park.
  19. That sounds much better. Sell as many 'pieces' of the ground as you like Mr Lerner, just not the name. In some 40 years when I talk to my grandkids about the wonders of Villa Park I don't want them to ask 'where's that'. But we can have those players anyway (maybe not those specific players). There are hundreds of ways for a club of our size to make money without selling off our history. Granted they may take a little longer to come to fruition, but I'm in for the long haul.
  20. That makes the deal interesting, and I'd guess with amortisation it's possible to spend that cash straight away even if the money isn't there immediately. I'd warm to the idea then I guess, but I'd want to see the details in full.
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