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Everything posted by Genie

  1. Are there any apps that enable me to have a pin unlock for the screen rather than the pattern? I think on 2.2 you can change this within the core software but not on 2.1.
  2. That was quality, I was wondering what the hell was going on I remember once getting hit by a mega random knife that was thrown halfway across the map on MW2 that appeared on the 'game winning kill', I was gutted.
  3. Genie

    General Chat

    Anyone got any experience of buying the freehold for their house? How much did you pay etc.
  4. Taking a highly rated manager from another Premier League club is not going to be quick, cheap or given our current position, likely.
  5. He might not be your cup of tea but that statement just makes you come across as a bit of an idiot.
  6. Rafa........ :shock: **** sake..... Its got that bad :| Agreed, beggars can't be choosers
  7. 3 mins to go and he makes a double change? WTF!!!???
  8. Roy will be sacked tomorrow if it stays like that. and MON is polishing his best shoes as we speak...
  9. 2031: GOALFLASH Blackburn 1-0 Liverpool (Olsson) 2030: GOALFLASH Newcastle 3-0 West Ham (Nolan)
  10. he's just come back from a 6 month knee injury with something that looks like it'll be the same again. Shame for him. Bad challenge? Nah. Just twisted his knee. Miles away from Carlos. Cheers. Not good though He must have cried out loud as Carlos instantly put the ball out.
  11. You know its bad when they have a toke on the oxygen :-(
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